Friday, December 26, 2008
the past few days have been nonstop but awesome.
on christmas eve we went to church and then we headed over to the pope's house. it was really fun. :) kellen, isabel, josh and i all just hung out in josh's room majority of the night. we talked and laughed about the most random things in the world. of course.
then we got a wii from the pope's! it was so nice of them and it's awesome. we talked to tracey for a while and she is really funny.
yesterday we got up and got ready. then we opened presents. i was really excited for some of my gifts. i got a coat from mom. it's black! and isabel, josh and i are going to WICKED!!! i am so excited. those are probably my two favorite presents. i am so excited. i was speechless. then josh and the mrs. pope came over along with tracey, jaime and the babies. they are so cute. isabel and i switched off between luke and anna. :) josh's tire ended up dying on the way here so that was some excitement. mr. pope was sick so he ended up staying home.
then josh, isabel, kellen and i hung out...of course. :) we rented 2 wii games- star wars and speed racer. speed racer is pretty much awesome. yeah i pretty much rock. haha
well then minte came over and we played speed racer for like 4 hours or seomthing. it was ridiculous. then we just hung out. it was really fun.
minte got powdered sugar on josh, he ate chimichangas at 130 in the morning and then him and kellen watched south park. it was a normal night. haha.
i ended up falling asleep somewhere around two. this morning i woke up and then erin calledd. we talked for a while and then she and michael came over. josh, kellen and michael all ended up getting their christmas presents and they looked really nice in them and they fit!
then it was just a couple of us hanging out while uncle dreas and adler came over.
tomorrow morning i i gotta go..
come what may...
Monday, December 22, 2008
tonight i've been finishing up some last minute christmas presents..i'm pretty excited abou tthem. they're going to look really cool!
and this past weekend we cleaned and zoe came home and we cleaned some more for aidan's birthday party on sunday. it was really fun. jaime and tracey and the twins came over, mrs and mr pope and josh. josh and i talked some about his upcoming album and music.
i'm so excited.
i have no idea why but i am so exhausted. i'm just tired tired tired! :)
oh well. tomorrow morning's christmas eve and i'm not sure what we're doing exactly. probably grabbing some stuff from the old house and then finishing up grabbing stuff from walmart.
oh yeah. and today was aidan's birthday. he turned 4. even though when you ask him...he says he turned 5. and then a couple weeks ago whenever you would ask him he would say 6. so i think he knows but it's funnier to be a different age. :)
anyway. aidan's 4 and he's so crazy funny. we made some cookies and isabel and him played in the snow tonight. we finished putting lights on the christmas tree!
last week i ended up dying my hair. it's supposed to be the reddish/coppery color i did last winter but i didn't leave it in as long as i was told to. so there's just a hint of difference but that's really what i needed .
ok i should go..
.merry christmas...
i'll write more soon.
merry merry christmas
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I think i'm finally catching up on sleep too.
Isabel and i got most of our room set up in the places where we want it and now it's just time to put things away. i started getting some of my clothes in my dresser last night and slowly but surely i am making this house more ours. our bathroom was finished yesterday so now we have another full bath downstairs and i got ready in it this morning! :) haha.
i wrapped most of my friends present last night which was really nice because i've needed time to do it for a while now. I'm pretty excited to see what everyone's reaction is going to be. i still have to finish shopping for like josh, kristin and mom. but other than that i think i have just about everyone else's presents.
exams start tomorrow and i think that i'm dreading tomorrow the worst too because i have pre-calc and world lit. 2.
last thing. our christmas concert was on sunday and it was the BEST one. the band is really good and acappella made it through. :) we didn't go flat on any of our songs and just went through it which was really nice. i loved some of our songs. and i was really happy that josh could make it because i had asked him to but wasn't sure if he would come.
now it's time to get the house all unpacked, study for exams and get the house decorated for christmas
Friday, December 12, 2008
this weekend we're moving...again. we're all pretty excited right now i think but at the same time i know that tonight is going to be interesting because i feel like i haven't packed ANYTHING yet.
exams are next week...finally.
it's going to be nice because i'm so ready for the break and being able to just sleep for a very long time. ;)
on tuesday we had a snow day and i slept but my body just hasn't had time to catch up yet. so yeah.
i really need to get lots done so i'll write more another time............
Saturday, December 06, 2008
tired. tired tired. :)
i'm tired but i've got the boys room all packed up and ready to go. yay.
next is selah and elise's room.
i've already started it tonight i just had no motivation.
exams are already next week...they begin on the 17th.
we're moving next weekend and i feel like i haven't done much but i know i have gotten a lot done.
dad and i went to the hospital for a few hours last night and zoe was WIDE awake. it was so good to see her eyes again! both times we visited last week she was sleeping and then last night when i saw her she was ready to just look around and search for people the whole night. :)
she was holding my finger last night and had her strong grip. and then her and i hung out while dad and jen walked down to the cafeteria for some food.
i sang some of our choir songs and she started to fall asleep and then when she heard jen's voice she popped back up. :)
ok. i have to work on this cd thing for choir.
and then busy day tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
but i love it. i love taking pictures for's fun. and something different to do.
i loved taking josh's pictures and i loved taking erin's senior pictures.
i hope that one day i can take more of josh's album pics. maybe he'll talk jon into getting some pics taken by me....oh my....that'd be amazingggg. :)
here's a picture that mrs. pope took from a while ago at the twin's baptism.
i'm kinda jealous of josh right now because he gets to go and meet these cool people like jon bennett. and hang out with them and become best friends with them and go visit them in warm climates.
yesterday we had a snow day.
and exams are coming up in just about 2 weeks! i can't believe that they are already here.
i'm so ready for sleep. but i now have a paper to write.
Monday, December 01, 2008
we got snow last night and today...
everyone was hoping for a snow day for today and sure enough.
wake up this morning and i walked downstairs to check.
we hung out in the afternoon. we walked to alterra and shopko and walgreens.
then we went to see a movie.
not too eventful. but i did slip and fall on the was bound to happen.
oh well.
tomorrow we'll have school and then i'll probably go back home for the night.
i wish i could find something more to write about but i guess that there's not much that i really want to write about. i'm going to find something to do...maybe read or call kristin...update her about zoe and everything.
i'm also pretty excited for josh. he met jon bennett last week and it seems like they're really getting along. which is good for josh.
ok. i really need to find something to do .
Sunday, November 30, 2008

we're back to waiting.
zoe was doing pretty well the past couple of days.
now she's back in PICU as of this morning. dad rushed back off to the hospital and the little boys are at grandma's. isabel, kellen and i are left with packing up our house.
it's snowing like crazy..
hey hey hey what can i say..
it's just been one of those one of those days..
it's been one of those years.
where everything is going to go "perfect" and it doesn' doesn't go as planned.
we wait things out...
i'm thankful for all the bumps that we've hit this year..but it's hard being in one of those years.
zoe is in picu. please pray. we don't know what's going to happen.
here's a picture of her from two days can tell she's really pudgy and has GREAT coloring.
now we'll see. please pray.
now it's time for me to stop being incredibly lazy...and get ready for the move in 2 weeks. we have a lot of packing to do.
just a lot of crap going on....
p.s. dad is keeping the blog pretty updated because he can't really call us at the same time...
here's the link :
Thursday, November 27, 2008
so we're just chilling here at deirdre's for now. minte and isabel have been reading from the same book. the football game was on and people were watching and playing computer games. now we've shifted to minte and isabel still reading the same book, kellen and brennick playing basketball or something and temish playing some club penguin.
we woke up this morning and had some scones and irish soda bread for breakfast with tea.
then just a few minutes ago minte decided that she was going to make some nachos. :) we're going around the world for thanksgiving i guess. i finished making some stuffing and now we're waiting on some turkey and we're going to hang out with dad and the boys!
i have some really awesome pictures from the past few days including a thanksgiving card that i hope to be putting up online sometime soon! i just haven't had the wi-fi ability to do that.
zoe's breathing right now and ted and gina just went to go visit dad, jen and her at the hospital!
thank you thank you .
i'm going to go finish up this stuffing and then wait some more...
time to figure out what's going on for the rest of the day.
comewhat may...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
dad and i are talking on facebook right now. he's tired and hungry. he's had too much coffee and he just wants to go home with everyone.
dad is keeping everyone updated on the family blog if you want more info....that's just bout all that i have.... on the surgery.
tonight isabel, minte and i were able to go to a benefit concert for this family. we had a really fun time. we were able to meet Kelsi from HSM! and Jonathan Bennett who was in Mean Girls! He is really cute.
we were really excited to go and get out for the night because i think we all needed some laughter int his time of waiting.
we talked to jonathan for a while.... he was really surprised that i took josh's album pics. and supposedly jonathan and josh are "bff's" now. :)
theyr'e going out for drinks now....
the girl who played kelsi....olesya rulin is so cute!
she is short and really sweet. we got some really good pictures.
i'll post some later.
thank you Lord. thank You thank You thank You.
gotta go do some homework and crap.
comewhat may...
robbie seay band
Oh, my God
Shine Your light on us
That we might live
I've been holding on
I've been holding on
All that is inside me
Screams to come back home
If you feel lost
If you feel lost
Sing along
If you feel tired
If you feel tired
Sing along
If you feel lost and tired
This is your song
I've been broken down
I've been broken down
I ain't giving up
Love will come back around
Shine Your light
Shine it down
Let Your rescue come for us, we long to love
And if you feel lost, sing along
And if you feel tired, sing along
Dad and jen are at the hospital right now. zoe's surgery started a while ago. i don't know when really but it was supposed to start at 2. Dad's been blogging like crazy. i think partially to keep himself busy and also to keep the hundreds of people praying for her and us all over the world.
isabel and i are just chilling out at deirdre's right now. mostly because we have nothing to do but also because we're waiting.
we're waiting for this benefit concert that we are going to try and go to for a family in grafton. it should be a good time. josh is going to sing at it and we want to go and support him. minte is sitting here waiting with us and we're just waiting for so much...
we're waiting for news.
we're waiting for deirdre to get back with omi and grandpadu.
we're waiting...
we're waiting...
we all dread it but we don't know how else to do this. people were asking me why i didn't stay home today. i couldn't have just sat at deirdre's all day waiting. waiting for what? for the surgery to start? for people to tell me something? what would i have been waiting for? i was waiting at school. i was distracted by my schoolwork. but i had to be.
i couldn't just sit all day waiting.
now we're waiting...and waiting.
i hate waiting. i am impatient and it's always a time where we have to wait for something.
i have to go wait some more. praying and waiting.
thank you. thank you thankyou.
i have to go............
comewhat may....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
christmas shopping.
talking to someone i haven't in a really long time
talking with erin.
sitting in mr. staub's room...for no reason at all.
getting random texts.
getting random texts from someone you thought wanted nothing to do with you...(aka joshua)
reading great books.
salted caramel hot chocolate from starbucks
working with kelly at out and out
going baby clothes shopping with erin
talking to kristin
meeting new people
taking pictures
seeing family
getting new music
watching others accomplish great things.
choir tour
watching people grow up
talking to some freshman girls...who are really sweet.
looking at pictures.
these are a few of my not so favorite things....
i know i write this post every once in a while...but i love updating it because even though i forget some things it's still fun to think of.
and speaking of packing.. i should probably go through some more stuff to get rid of. :)
and possibly some tea because there is a "tickle in my throat"
Monday, November 17, 2008
after the visit day we headed home. i watched cloverfield and hung out. then yesterday i got to packing again. i cleaned out the bathroom of crap we don't need anymore. it's like the easiest job to do around the house because all i end up doing is throwing stuff away. it's awesome.
today was a really good day. i don't know why but it just happened to be that way.
i talked to josh some the past few days. and i always am happy to talk to him...even if it is texting.
then erin and i sat in mr. staub's room again today. today was peanut m&m day. we need to stock up on some treats. cause them are good. i dont know.
as of right now. i'm freezing cold because our furnace isn't working right now. so even though our thermometer says it's 60 degrees in our house. i definitely believe that it is colder because it snowed outside today. it's not a lot of snow but enough to get everyone freaking out about it.
so i'm under three comforters right now in a long-sleeve shirt and zip-up sweatshirt and two pairs of pajama pants. i'm a little crazy cause i'm always cold but this doesn't help much either. :)
time for me to read and then sleep......
Thursday, November 13, 2008
erin and i have been hanging out a TON. last weekend was nice because we had a shortened day on thursday and then on friday we had a student help day. the shortened day was nice and then erin and i went to go hang out. we went to mcdonald's and got some hot chocolate and sat and talked for a long time...then we just were going to grab glue from Wal-Mart but then we stood in the art supplies aisle for like 20 minutes talking about everything that we loved about crayons and being kids. like having no care in the world at all. we talked about lisa frank and everything because i had to explain to selah and elise what lisa frank folders were and everything. it was so weird because when i was in kindergarten it was so cool. ;) ok. well not only kindergarten but some other grades too. after we looked at that we walked through the rest of the store and just walked around. finally we ended up in the craft corner. it was fun. we just were looking around and we decided that we were going to make pillows. so we got buttons and fabric for our pillow cases and our sewing stuff. then we hid in my room for a few hours and just made pillows. :) we didnt' end up finishing but got majority done.
on sunday we hung out again..well we went to bible study together. i love bible study. it's a fun time. lately so many people have been coming!
this week i've worked and hung out with erin. :) we went to out and out and then we were bugged by "gerry the crossing guard". yeah. he was convinced that i was going to have to walk across the street. then he tried convincing us that we needed to go to starbucks and get some hot chocolate.
anyway. dad worked for 72 hours in 4 days this week. he's tired...he's actually already asleep.
last week friday was a cool day because i went in for precalc which sucked but i then i went to help mr. staub with some stuff. i hung out in his room for like 2 hours or so. i organized music and then kaitlin and i went and we got lunch. when we got back kaitlin and i brought mr.staub some food and ate lunch in his room. it was a good time because we just talked about winterim and stuff.
then this tuesday erin and i helped mr. staub sort fruit info out. ok well i sat on my computer working on other stuff but they worked on it and i sat there. :)
"i love little debbie"-- quote of the day. love it.
i got erin hooked on moulin rouge too.
ok i gotta go do some journalism and general business.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
the auction was on saturday and i had a cold and i was dead tired.
like i am right now. halloween was fun. i hung out with erin and audra...
erin and i have decided that moulin rouge is the best movie. we love it.
i'm tired.
so i won't try to write anything else right now..
now it's time for sleep........
Sunday, October 26, 2008
then last night was the fall concert. it went really well. all of us were afraid that it wasn't going to go well. but it was awesome...ok. so alto's struggled a little. well alto 1's did at least. we had trouble hitting a couple of our notes. but it's ok because i dont think that you could really tell. and three of us were frustrated because we were getting our notes earlier and then during the end of the song we STRUGGLED with it..
today we went to church and then i worked from 4 to close. it was really cold out today though. it was kind of raining /snowing. and today was trick-or-treat too. :)
dad asked me today if josh had gotten his birthday present from me yet. i told him not yet. i'm pretty much over it. it's sitting behind my couch. i think that it'll be there until we move and then i'll keep it for my other room.
the birthday present i get/make for people are always crapped on. gr.
oh and on november 1st i'll probably just end up showing everyone on this blog and on facebook what the gift is because it seems to me that everyone except josh cares...frustration...
ok i gotta go. i'm tired and i gotta get up early tomorrow.
Friday, October 24, 2008
tomorrow i take the ACT and then the choir concert is tomorrow night.
i'm kinda excited for the choir concert. our practice today went really well and that's always encouraging.
the ACT, however, will be interesting. i'm a little nervous right now. i'm taking it and that's a good thing. i just hate how some people were like grilling me about how i should have taken it last year and giving me crap about how they are planning to take it in a few months so they can study for those months leading up to it. thanks. those comments really helped my self esteem.
anyway. that's about it on saturday...on sunday i work. i really wish i could make it to bible study at andrew b's because it's a really fun time. and sometimes i say way more than i would expect myself to say. oh well. that's the fun part about it though.
ok. time to finish my salad and study hardcore for this test tomorrow morning.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
ok well this whole weekend was a really good weekend.
friday night a bunch of us from work went to dinner together and then we went to a corn field maze thing.
it was really new and exciting. kelly was screaming and i was screaming and laughing. ;) so kelly was pulling me through the mazze thing and i tripped and fell twice. i was laughing so hard.
yesterday was pretty relaxing. we had the zoe auction/dinner event. it was really fun. i didn't think it was going to be awesome but i got some really good laughs out of it. at first it was kinda boring but then carly and jared showed up which was awesome. and i got over my selfish being mad at others. the house was AMAZING. josh sang the night away.
i talked to mandi and mr. pope for a while. then dad and ryan decided they were going to race. dad won. hm.
later in the night. i was kneeling down because i was tired of standing and i was talking to mandi and all of a sudden i hear this girl like screaming/yelping and she was falling over. onto me and she landed on me. i was laughing so hard ...well i was trying not too because it was funny but i didn't want to laugh in her face. she was drunk. :)
then josh, kellen, two girls, andy (the owner) and i listened to josh play some of his music and then some coldplay and skillet. it was really cool. very interesting conversations too.
on the way home we hit a deer. more like it side-swiped our van. we're all fine but the van it a little beat up on the passenger side. there's some dents. that deer had to have been big.
today we went to church and then hung out. i've been wasting my day on the computer. then i went to borresen's for bible study. it was on prayer this week. it was really cool to talk about. we got some really good insight.
yah hey vah hey. :) i remembered something.
then i came home and talked to erika. she had some awesome advice. we talked for over an hour. and it was a great time. emotional, inspiring...
now i'm sittin here
i have some things to look over and then sleep.
come what may...
Saturday, October 18, 2008

oh saturdays.
right now i've been trying to get aidan to go to the bathroom for over 20 minutes. he keeps talking about how he'll get a treat if he goes to the bathroom on the potty. he gets really distracted and i think he forgets he's not just sitting there. so here i am sitting on the bathroom stool doing things on my computer and he's sitting on the toilet talking about the ladybugs. how the ladybug is crawling on the floor and it will go in his pants because it's crawling on the floor. by this picture he realized he didn't have to tell me he was almost done for the 15th time.
besides that i've taken some more fall pictures today and edited more pictures.
yesterday was a really fun time. once again the workers at out and out saved up our tip money and went to dinner at ramano's for pizza and then headed over to meadowbrook corn field for a fun time in the corn field. kelly and i were walking together and ran a lot of the time. haha. we're dorks but it was so much fun. at least i thought so. we ran ran ran and then i fell....twice. yeah about that. my pants were pretty muddy because it had rained a little bit last night and then it was slippery and i was being pulled behind someone to run faster. halfway through the cornfield the power went out. it wasn't just "the power went out". it really did happen. the security guards were like ok what do we do now? so by the end they told us that we should take out our cellphone for the rest of the dark way.
so that was my night full of muddy running and hanging out with my friends from work.
ok i gotta go get's been 30 minutes now..........and he's pretending the bathroom is a race track or something and the cars are racing past him....soundeffects and all. and background music.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
today was a weird day. i wasn't feeling well. i felt like it was a friday. i got really upset during journalism and it just was not good.
tomorrow we're going to the corn maze with work. it's going to be fun. we'll take some pictures and have a blast. first we'll go out for pizza and then head out to meadowbrook. before we leave i'm buying hot chocolate or some sort of warm drink.
right now i'm pretty exhausted. i can't really fall asleep earlier than 1130. this past week has been horrible with trying to fall asleep and stay asleep so i've been exhausted.
hopefully this weekend i'll be able to get some sleep.
happy birthday alexis!!!!!! today she turned 17. yay.
ok time for me to rest up so that i can do some homework in the morning or something like that.
yay friday.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
it's been a crazy week at work. i've been working with kelly a lot lately. she's cool. we really get along and have a lot in common. we worked 3 days together this week already and will be working together tomorrow night too.
i've worked 21 hours this week which is kinda nice except for the fact that i haven't talked to kristin since last sunday. it totally sucks. and i think we kinda figured that there would be times when we wouldn't have time to talk. but this sucks. i just love talking to her and hanging out with her. and right now I MISS it. on the way home from work tonight i was just thinking about how the last night she slept here she was laying here and she was like , "teia. i don't know when we're going to be able to see each other next." it really hasn't hit me. i'm hoping that soon i can go down there but i guess we'll see. nothing is really going to change our friendship though...we're far away but we still talk and have lots of good memories.
this friday we're going to a haunted corn maze with some people from work! awesome. :)
i'm pretty psyched plus i'll probably be so freaked out and hopefully i'll live through it without peeing my pants. oh man....
work work work. this week i'm working on monday and wednesday.
today i think i heard lose my soul on the radio at least 3 times. i love that song but every time i was in the car it was on. ok time for me to check over my homework...make sure i have all of it ready to go for tomorrow.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
this tree i took a picture of is SO awesome. this part is obviously bright red and orange-ish. the other half is pale yellow and the the bottom part of the tree is still green. there are so many colors in this tree. i love it.
it's been just about a year since we moved here to WB. actually i remember it was like the 14th and 15th. we had so much fun that weekend. now we're in a different time and with different friends. if some of us have those friends.
the weekends are not filled with singing turkey lurkey or calling out about all the peacocks in a room. they are now filled with work and coming home and doing some laundry. there are no more koolah nights as much as we all want them. movies and paradise drive nights are far in our minds. singing and going to the beach memories are drifting away like the waves from the sand.
they are not filled with dressing up and looking silly while standing on the dock or getting all dressed up for the "night games". they are not full of talks on the phones for hours.
we've grown up and we've grown apart.
i love fall. i could stare out the tree in the front of the house for hours. i wish i could just climb it and find out where the colors start to change from green to yellow to light orange to dark orange and the deep red. it's so pretty.
the only reason i don't really like fall is because it leads to winter and as much as sometimes i love the first snowfall and sitting on swings in dresses, barefoot in the snow. :) it's still a little cold for me. i just love being able to wear shorts and tank tops. instead of being in sweatshirts and jeans and socks and gloves more like the layers and layers of clothes. although they are really comfy clothes sometimes it just does not cut it.
pretty soon it's time to bring out all the christmas music and go shopping for presents! yay. only like a month before that insaneness begins. :)
time for me to get some ice cream and read it up before sleep, church and work tomorrow.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
ok see the thing is is i don't really like waiting for a ride after school. but i'll wait because what else am i going to do. i try to get involved. i've tried out for just about every play and musical our school has offered and i haven't made it. i did volleyball for 2 years. then i got a job. i liked volleyball but i wasn't good at it and i know it. i was fine. i knew the basics and got stuff down but i also screwed up a lot. i tried to push myself to do better and better. but that just ended up making me mad because i would screw up and get upset with myself even more for screwing it up again. i got a job and now it's a big hassle because we've moved and everything. it's like i have to keep changing jobs until we find somewhere to live for real. to stay.
i tried getting involved in chamber choir.
i didn't make it. i worked my butt off for 3 years and then come this year i worked my butt off for that month and a half so far. and then the people for chamber were announced and i didn't make it.
so you cannot tell me that i need to get "more involved" because i've tried and failed everytime. i've failed and i can't fail again. i just want to do something that i'm great at and something that makes everyone proud including myself.
so right now i'm just going to sit like a bump on a log waiting for my ride after school because i have to and that's what is going to happen for the rest of this year.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
i can't believe that elise is 7. yesterday was her golden birthday. sometimes she seems so much older because i guess i was like 10 when she was born but it seems like it was forever ago.
other than that this week has been kinda crazy. i've worked both monday and tonight for 5 hours after school. then i come home and do some wonderful homework and then the next day starts. thankfully this week has been going somewhat faster than last week. the bad thing about it going so fast though is that i have the ACT on the 25th so in like 2 weeks and also the end of the 1st quarter is next week! ahhh. crazy.
ok i really should get some sleep so i don't get sick!
Monday, October 06, 2008
so zoe got to meet him and i had him sign some posters. i felt really bad because my hands were freezing cold the whole night... anyway it was a really nice time. it was awesome to see him in concert again and for his something to say tour. awesome.
dad, jen and i drove home and then got ready for everyone to get back from the dance. we ended up having a fire in the fireplace and talking for a while before we got a movie started.
sunday morning was so tiring. we were at church at 730 to sing for choir. after that i came home and talked to kristin on the phone and slept the rest of the day. once i got back up again i did homework and fell back asleep.
so it was a crazy homecoming week and weekend. i'm kinda glad it will slow down for a while now but am going to miss the excitement of last week. ok i gotta get to sleep.
come what may...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
yesterday was pj/robe day. it totally felt like a thursday and i really had it in my head that's what day it was. and then i realized it was only wednesday. so i missed pushing daisies and was exhausted. today was superhero day. i didn't dress up like a superhero...i know. LAME. that's okay. my school spirit has shown throughout the week. :) tomorrow is school spirit day. im thinking of what i can wear. ill look ridiculous but that's totally fine with me.
after school is the powderpuff game and then it's the bonfire! yay! i'm excited.
then here's the thing. yesterday i get into the car and dad's like i have good news and bad news. im thinking oh crap what. he's like so i got matthew west meet and greet passes...and i finished with "for this saturday" and he nodded. so i had to make the decision whether or not to go to the homecoming dance or to the matthew west concert. i really struggled because i really enjoyed last year's dance. i had a fun time. this year is different. i'm sure i'd still have a great time but i think i might even have a better time at the matthew west concert. and it will be a new experience. yay. so i had to tell some people today that i wasn't going to the dance. i told erin and i thought that she might be mad at me but right now it seems like she isn't too mad. so that is what is going on.
i hope i don't make any wrong decisions. it really was a hard choice.
ok i have art to catch up on and then some sleep!!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
this week is going really well right now. on monday was twin day. some girls dressed as siamese twins. other people did a really great job too! erin and i were totally the sameee! even our jeans looked alike even though we didn't really plan that part. then today was generation day. teachers were teenagers, seniors were elderly, juniors were adults, sophomores-toddlers and freshmen were babies. us seniors were awesome! :) a ton of people got really into it. i got some really cute pictures of zoe today too!
tomorrow is pj/robe day, then there is superhero day and school spirit day.
ok im going to finish up some cookies for extra credit and then i gotta check over my homework. ill write some more in the coming days...
oh here's a picture of zoe from today!
come what may....
Saturday, September 27, 2008
kellen has a bone bruise. he has crutches but right now at home he's just hopping along on one leg because i guess he doesn't feel like using them. whatever. the doctor said that he's out for at least 2-4 weeks. we are blessed. i know everyone especially dad and kellen are happy that it's only a bone bruise opposed to a broken leg because then he'd be out for basketball this season also. so those are the details as we know them right now.
i think what really bugs me about the whole kellen thing is that there are so many rumors going around. everyone always knows everyone else's business. sometimes it is an okay thing. other times is just annoying.
then i think about the hospital. right after the "project" fiasco happened on tuesday we told dad. he said that it would really hit home if something actually happened this week where a person had to go to the hospital and was hurt. i know this is totally different then what "happened" on tuesday but still. someone was hurt and now maybe people will be more careful about the project choices they choose.
i doubt that that whole last paragraph made any sense but i'm just putting it out there.
ok. i'm watching selah, elise, ethan and aidan right now.
otherwise, everything else here seems to be going alright...i guess we'll see about that in a few hours....
come what may...
i'm glad it's saturday because this week was just not a very good one. so hopefully this weekend will be better although it's going to be tough because kellen got hurt last night at the football game. at first they thought it was broken but i guess it wasn't...i'm not really sure with specifics because i was somewhat sleeping on the couch when dad and kellen got home. when i woke up all i said was crap. dad asked me what was wrong and i told him that i had really wanted to finish watching the pursuit of happyness. i've tried watching it probably 3 or 4 times now and i keep getting interrupted or falling asleep. so maybe i'll watch it today or something. after saying crap i got up again and started washing dishes. this is the second middle of the night dish-washing i've done. i end up being wide awake at 1 in the morning so i wash dishes.
ok i am going to get some coffee and see what is going on for today besides work later in the day.
come what may...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
on monday zoe turned 6 months old! we had a little birthday party for her. ethan and aidan wore birthday hats. aidan sang happy birthday in a video. :) i made brownies and some tacos for dinner. it was just a birthday fun night. but zoe was just having a hard night. she's been trucking through the past few days. i keep praying.
fall is finally here. the leaves on all the trees seem to be changing colors all at different times. some trees were already changing colors a few weeks ago and now some are just starting. i know...i'm pretty observant. here's a picture of aidan from our walk yesterday:

here's a picture i got of the sunshine and some leaves that had fallen:

come what may...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
and i got my hair cut! ahh. it's short. we'll seee what everyone else thinks...eeek. i'm a little scared. and i can't believe it's this short. oh well. anyway. i made this awesome comic book thing on my computer and it turned out really cool. what else. i dont know i've just had some really awesome days. ill post pics of my hair cut and some things i bought soon. i have to finish this project and then i have two more tonight! ah. oh and tonight we went to borresen's bible study. it was noah, kelsey, kellen and i. it was a really good time. we talked and got into the word. awesome time. i can't wait till next time.
ok. well im off.
come what may...
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i'm tired but i dont want to sleep. which really sucks because i know that tomorrow is going to be a pain in the butt day then.
we have a shortened day because it's ALREADY mid-quarter.
at work i was talking to some people telling them i was excited for our shortened day because it was short. :) and that it was already mid-quarter. dad told me that it meant i was 1/8 done with my senior year. these people at work were like really? you're only a senior? what?
i guess at work people think that i'm older than i actually am.
so yeah. that's kinda funny.
friday is josh's birthday. he'll be 22.
and it's dad's cousin's birthday too. lauren...i'm not sure how old she'll be ...19 i think.
anyway i was starting something for josh's birthday but i don tknow when i'll see him so it's pretty pointless as of right now.
homecoming is also coming up really fast. it will be on oct.4 !
i really have to find a dress. erin and i might look around this weekend if we really feel like it. ;) but i guess we'll have to see how we're feeling.
oh and lastly before i crash.
i love fruit. it's like all i'm eating these days. today i had 2 plums, a peach, and 2 kiwi. it's awesome. LOVE IT>
ok i really have to go sleep.
come what may...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
this weekend has been insane. on friday over 23 people called in "sick" for school. all these people that signed out of school attended the McCain-Palin speech. so far i've heard from many people that it was pretty awesome.
after school dad picked up me and isabel and we drove home to hang out with michael hennessey. he's this really awesome guy from TX who is trying to set the world record of ironman races. meaning in one year he will swim, bike and run in 23 races. the race altogether is a little over 140 miles long meaning it will be 3,220 miles...i think if i did the math right. :)
he hung out with us on friday night. we talked and then sang some...of course. hahaha for some reason i busted out "think of me" and he' slike i love that song. so we listened to it on the computer while michael made us cookies.
it was really confusing because michael maziarka was over and then so was michael hennessey. so we started calling m.m. = michie. haha. cause josh calls michael, michelle. so running michael made us some amazing chocolate chip cookies. then he's like hey teia. do you know this song that won best song of the year? i was like umm. i dont know maybe..whats it called. so he youtubed it and played it. i was like I LOVE THIS SONG! it was falling slowly from the movie once. he said that it's one of his favorite songs. ;) yay.
after talking and hanging out with him. yesterday morning we got up and said bye and good luck and that we'd meet him at the finish line.
then we all quickly packed up and drove to the dells where we stayed at the wilderness. it was ablast. we had access to a ton of waterparks- indoor and outdoor. yesterday it was pretty chilly so we stuck to the indoor ones. we went on this one ride called the hurricane. it was amazing. then i ended up falling asleep pretty early. i was so tired and for the rest of the night i was in and out of it. this morning we got up, ate, and got ready for more waterparks. we went to an indoor one but the water was kinda chilly so we decided to try an outdoor one today. it was a great idea. the breeze was somewhat cool but the water was really warm and the sun felt wonderful. they had a two-story lazy river that you had to take your tube on a lift thing to the upper level and then a slide down to the other level. it was awesome. there were also 4 body slides, where you would grab a mat and run to the top. at the top of the ride all the people would get in and race to the bottom, while laying on your stomach.
we all had a really nice time at the place and are exhausted now.
on our way back we detoured to madison to see the end of the ironman race. it was an awesome experience. we were able to see the end of the marathon and the race had been going for over 12 hours when we were leaving. i cant imagine being able to swim, bike and run for over that long amount of time. we met up with michael at the end of the race and took some pictures with him. he was tired- duh and we were really excited to see him.
then we came home.
the end.
sorry bout the abruptness of this post. im exhausted and my eyes hurt. time for sleep.
ill post up some pics soon.
come what may...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
i love how i just put the day's at the top of my posts. there's not really a better way to start them i guess.
nice relaxing day for the most part. i worked from 10-3. then i went to the LW football game and the store.
kristin and i have been talking a lot the past couple days. which was really nice becuase it was so weird only talking to her for like 5 minutes the past weeks.
now we've finally caught up with everything. :)
it's so fun, having a friend, no matter where they are to just talk about random things. and sometimes we have that silence but it's like nice cause then we start talking about something else.
today i also saw meredith. she's SO cute. she was pretty content with kaitlin when i walked up so i talked to mrs. staub for a little bit.
if anyone has any good books for me to read let me know.
i really like melody carlson, gail levine, meg cabot. but i'm definitely open to new discoveries.
::most random post everrrrrr::
come what may...
Friday, August 29, 2008
this whole week of school and work has made me SO tired.
i keep coming home from school and wanting to take a nap on tuesday i did with zoe.
today i just was listening to music and was like ok nap time. and fell asleep for half an
tonight we have our "back to school" dance. erin and i are going and hanging out. later ill
go to her house and sleep there. tomorrow morning i work and on sunday i work. AND on
monday i work. what i really need is sleep. so hopefully tomorrow night i'll go to bed early
and sleep well.
ok i really gotta finish grabbing my stuff for erin's house!
come what may...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
the first day and a half are done. i'm into my senior year. my classes are looking pretty interesting. i'm taking world lit. 1, pre-calc, psych, journalism, acapella, general business, economics, and art 1.
that's first semester though. i'm thinking right now that for my winterim i might take creative writing.
it's not like i have to worry about that right now though because it was only my first day and a half. i don't think i'm picking my winterim until october. basically i'll be getting my share of english classes. this girl and i figured out that i'll have 6 english credits when i graduate. :) wow.
it's so cool being able to go onto itunes right now and listen to josh's cd. i keep going onto itunes store and looking it up just to make sure i'm not dreaming. dad was explaining to grandpadu about the itunes store the other night.
"if someone looked up josh's cd in china or anywhere around the world they would listen to HIS music and see the picture that teia took for the album."
now that is weird to think about. i mean that's across the world! well, clearly that's across the world. and i know that people across the world could be reading this blog. i guess that i never really realized that in china or bosnia and herzegovnia people would be reading my blog or looking at pictures I took.
ok, i'm off to read avalon high.. a book about king arthur, well kind of.
come what may...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
this morning i got up at 630 and looked around. i was mad to be awake at 630 in the morning and then i realized i was FREEZING cold. i didn't think i was going to be mad but i was mad because it was cold. so i got ready for the day and dad drove me to cedarburg. while sitting outside of starbuck's enjoying the morning i bought 3 cd's on itunes. the first was josh's cd. i'd been waiting to get it for the longest time, since i knew he was making one and then when i heard it had finally come out on itunes..that was it. :) the second cd i bought was bethany dillon: the beautiful sessions. it's an older one from her but it's bethany dillon so of course i'm going to buy it. ;)
the third cd was another bethany dillon. it was her newest one that came out in april. it's her music but the acoustic version.
then after that i ended up working from 930 to 5. well that's when i was signed in. anyway after that i came home and babysat zo.
that was my day. now i'm waiting up for omi and grandpadu because they're staying the night. dad just got the call and they should be here relatively soon. :)
starting school tomorrow at LW as a senior.
come what may...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
here's some of the things ethan said:
"selah's (her card) says, 'you never go at earth, you have to go to heaven says God...from the wrong things you it's uncle josh's turn. 'when you do this...' now it's daddy's turn."
a little later he said these ones:
"don't be so really sad for Jesus is in heaven, for He has the power and the it's daddy's turn. now it's uncle josh's turn. God is from heaven for you and you and you and you and you and you. now it's daddy's turn. now it's my turn aidan."
"He's got the power of mine. your sins have to go to heaven. God is from heaven for you and you and you. don't call n4 and 9."
i'm not sure about the "don't call n4 and 9" but i'm sure it has something to do with power rangers or something because they ended up turning the game into a power rangers thing after i caught these things.
ethan's got it. he's 5 and he's got it.
have faith like a child....
"ain't that the truth."
come what may...
it's the last tuesday of the summer. i have today and tomorrow left of summer break. :)
this summer has been pretty boring. sure, there were those days that i did nothing -which happened to be majority of the summer. then there were those special days that i did "special" things. i guess the first day was when we went to Omi and GrandpaDu's for the 50th wedding anniversary service. that was a fun day where we were able to see the ENTIRE family. entire meaning all 10 kids, all in-laws, and ALL the cousins.

in july we had the fishing trip and our "night games" night with kristin and josh and minte.
it was the second time that we played night games, i know that tidbit of information is not too exciting but it was fun and i'm glad that we were able to do it again. the second time we even made up a game and basically got no sleep.
of course there was the Robbie Seay concert. i was just telling mom about the concert this past weekend and i remembered all the little stories that had made me laugh so hard that night. the guys were SO incredibly nice and i'm so grateful that they were able to come.
at out and out (where i work) we had a day where 12 of us went to six flags. we saved all of our tip money from the past year and went and had a great day...where we all got wet because it rained.
then 2 weeks later i was able to go to six flags with josh, kristin, michael, isabel, kellen, minte and me. we had such a blast.
this picture is from about 2 minutes ago. this is us doing what we do best. me holding a sleeping zoe and writing something....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

days are winding.
winds are changing.
days are getting shorter.
winds are getting colder.
all clues for the school year that is starting in a week.
i was able to go to ethan's t-ball game and enjoy the "fall" weather and being outside.
these past couple of days i've had this "craving" to write. i don't know what to write about or how to start. all i know is that i have this itch that keeps begging me to write something. maybe i'll write something to kristin or just doodle.
i have a feeling that some of this goes with the fact that i haven't been talking to people as much as i used to.
last summer all i did was talk..i can't think of a day where i just sat around by myself which is really different from this summer. now it's the exact opposite.
things change. people change.
i'm going to try to relieve this "itch" for writing.
have a wonderful day...
come what may....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
this summer was so different from last that it's crazy. i wish i could've done so much more and motivated myself to do more. but of course, i got into that funk and couldn't get out till a couple of weeks ago. now i'm back..
also, i'm pretty excited about school shopping because i feel like i need some new clothes. some cute ones. some dresses. haha i dont know really i just like shopping.
it's really grown on me.
time for me to read and relax before i get into the school ways again.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
TOULOUSE: The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!
Never knew I could feel like this. . .
. . .It’s like I’ve never seen the sky before.
Want to vanish. . .
[CHRISTIAN pauses, in inner turmoil.]
. . . inside your kiss,
Everyday I’m loving you more and more.
[SATINE walks forward across the stage, as CHRISTIAN slowly turns around.]
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing,
Come back to me and forgive everything.
[SATINE gasps for breath, but recovers.]
[SATInE cues the orchestra to accompany SATINE.]
Seasons may change, winter to spring. . .
Till the end of time.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
the past week has been pretty crazy and now it's finally settling down.
last monday i was able to help out with germanfest some more. then on tuesday and wednesday i helped erin take some senior pictures and worked. we had a pretty fun time going to milwaukee and doing some on-site shooting downtown. then josh slept over on wednesday night because we were going to leave for six flags right in the morning. we had an awesome time at six flags. we were able to go on a lot of rides and just really enjoyed everyone's company. :)
minte, michael, isabel, josh, kellen, kristin and i all went. we made new jokes and laughed the whole day. later that night i was able to go home with kristin. we were so tired on thursday night. friday we woke up and had our whole day planned out. we went to water her babysitting family's plants, and ran a ton of errands. then we went shopping at the mall.
later we called hunter and went to see the dark knight with him. it was really fun and an amazing movie. hunter and i ended up talking for over an hour while kristin was on the phone. it was really fun we talked about school and what i want to do. after hunter left we talked to dan on the phone until 4 in the morning and then got up so we could get back home.
of course, traffic was horrific. going from chicago to west bend it took us about 3 and a half hours! it was crazy.
now i'm back home and it's kinda nice. i was able to actually do laundry and clean my room on monday. :) i was pretty happy about that.
it's august...ew. not too excited about that. oh well.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
those couple of words explains my last few days. on wednesday i was able to help with the freshman orientation and then i went to work. the next day deirdre, isabel and i went to summerfest grounds to help with germanfest setup. it was a pretty good time. we stapled tablecloths onto tables for hours and then we sat in the hot hot sun. and of course there were many germans there. :) hans hans hans. it was a very popular name around the grounds. and once we got back to deirdre's we were so tired we just sat around for the rest of the night. we did the same thing yesterday at the grounds too. the guys were a little more cooperative and we were able to finish up the tables and then drive around on the golf cart waiting for the fest to open. it was a fun time with some pretty awesome people.
right now zoe and i are laying here in my bed even though it's a beautiful day outside. she's taking a nap. i figure that if i just lay here and cooperate....she might sleep a little while. :D
anyways, it was nice to get out of the house for a few days and be able to help some others out and hang out with some people my age and younger. :) and of course the tan is definitely a plus out of the whole situation.
now im just praying for kristin and her job, move and apartment situation. im praying that josh might come around so that we might have one time with isabel, michael, him and i this summer. just one last time.
oh well. dreams don't always come true.
maybe ill rest some more and read more of New Moon.
then monday is off to more germanfest work.
always wear underwear.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i talked to a bunch of people from school today online. it was really nice to kinda be able to catch up with some of them. tomorrow i have the chance to help out with freshman orientation. it will be a different experience and ill get to see a couple of people from school...and ill be in school for like 3 hours tomorrow! oh no. that means it's getting closer!
i was reminded by people today that there is less than a month of summer vacation left. it's so depressing in a way. there doesnt seem to be much of a summer to look back at. hopefully the next couple of weeks will be a blast.
kristin is going to OH this coming weekend to look at a potential teaching job for her. it's become a really hard choice for her to make in this time. she doesnt know if she wants to pick being close to friends and familiarity or if she should take the new job and be a part of that new expierence.
oh well. i guess thats her thing. :)
im looking forward to the next couple of days and the coming weeks.
change change change.
i dont think ill ever be used to it. but maybe one day it wont be so hard.
time to do something else.
zoe is 4 months old today! yay baby girl
Monday, July 21, 2008
today i found a website called This I Believe. it got me to thinking about what I believe...again. So i wrote thoughts down. it's a real rough copy but here's what I have.
This I Believe
'He looked at his three oldest children, me included, and said , ”What do you believe?”. It was moments after we found out about our youngest sister and her Trisomy 18 which could take her at any moment. What do I believe? It’s a question that everyone struggles with whether or not they having a dying sister. Three weeks later we were asking ourselves the same question when we found out that our baby brother was diagnosed with Trisomy 21 or Down’s Syndrome. How was I supposed to live with two babies that were not as healthy as all the others? How was I going to live through this?
As I wept about these little gifts of life that God gave our family, I struggled. He cannot do this to me, I thought. Then I remembered one of the songs we sang in choir, “Rejoice in heaven all ye who dwell there in. Rejoice on earth ye saints below, For Christ is coming, is coming soon. For Christ is coming soon.” When I remembered those words for those weeks I became comforted. I knew He was with me and that He was going to lead me through this time. I gave it all to God and knew that He was going to take care of me and the whole family. When people hear about my brother and sister, they feel sad and sympathize for me. I don’t want them to be sad because I know what I believe. I know what He can do.
This I believe.
I believe that God will stay with you through any trial that you go through. He’s there right next to you. He’s listening to your prayers and He answers them in His time with His will. He can do anything like make the flowers bloom and the birds sing. He can make a baby who is not supposed to be living live for 122 days and more.'
soooooo. that's about it for today. i might write more later.
Monday, July 14, 2008

it's a beautiful monday afternoon. i got home from work at 5 and decided to come outside and sit right in the middle of the yard so that im under some shade and sun just at the same time. :) of course, once i get my chair set up in the middle of the yard i hear footsteps and a door closing and ethan dragged a chair up right next to mine. it's cute but it's just the right time right now to just want to be in peace and quiet. usually right when you find your "perfect" spot chaos comes up and just doesn't want you to be in that moment. oh well, sometimes we need that perfect moment only for a second just to get us back to where we need to be.
i took some pictures of me sitting right in the middle of the yard. :)
here they are.

the one at the top of the post is from today too. it just is of the "sky". well what the sky looks like right now when i look up's filled with leaves and branches and specs of blue.
happy july 14th!
tomorrow's ethan's birthday!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
last night, yesterday was all amazing.
we got there and i walked around with zoe a lot. then robbie comes up to me and was like "hi how are you doing? who is this?" so we talked. i was pretty happy after that.
i talked to so many people. i feel kinda bad though because i was so floaty the whole night. i think there was too much going on in my head for me to think and process. therefore, i was so insanely floaty. wow. anyways.
then we actually got to meet robbie after the sound check. it was pretty amazing. he is a cool guy. we talked about zoe and her stuff. we talked about the family. then we met ryan he was the bassist. we didn't talk to him that much. but he seemed pretty neat, cool too. :)
isabel and i became the "food-getters" we got some jumbalaya ready for the guys to which taylor responded with the "jumbalaya dance". yes. there was a dance and "jumba, jumba, jumba-laya!" we cracked up. so that's basically how we met taylor. sitting next to taylor while we were eating was TANK. he was the drummer. i guess minte decided to ask TANK what his real name was and he responded with i dont have one. i keep writing TANK with capital letters because that's how he signed my awesome green shirt that mipps bought me. then there was tyler and he was the keyboardist. i think that's a word. keyboardist? keyboarder? whatever, he was on the keyboard. he was quiet but willing to try the strawberry rhubarb pie dad made. :P i'm not sure if he really liked it or not though..that's ok though. after the concert when i was going to get a picture with him i was stepping over a guitar case and my foot hit it. when i tried to stop it from falling he was like "it's worries, no worries." that was pretty cool i guess. i dont know. that's my tyler story. :)
let's see robbie stories. he was intrigued to hear about aunt tari and charis's time when they saw richard simmons. they were ecstatic to tell him. then he tried telling a story back about his friend david crowder and looked at them like 'you know....david crowder.' ...yeah. they were clueless. thankfully i was there and was like oh he's awesome. we listen to his music all the time. his hair is CRAZY! then he was able to finish the story because i understood about DC's hair. :) he loves the aunts. he thinks our family is crazy. he went up to dad and told him that he loved the family but we were crazy! he especially loved omi. he talked bout dad and jen and zoe on the green bay radio this morning and of course, martina called in. and he met another crazy family member. he mentioned omi on the radio.
i gave robbie the mug that erin and i made on the last day of school. one side said hope, coffee and melody and the other said oh baby, it's a new day. on the inside of the cup it had psalm 40:3..
i think robbie and the whole band thought this little concert was neat and cool. but what they might not understand is that this is becoming the talk of our lives. it's all we can think about. it's all we are going to think about for the next days, months and well we'll still talk about it years from now. they were such a blessing to our family. they helped us have a happy, fun, family, worshipful day. we all had a blast. i wish i could write exactly how i feel but i dont think i can. it's not possible just because there are no words for it.
thank you robbie.
thank you taylor.
thank you ryan.
thank you tyler.
thank you TANK.
you guys are amazing. thank you.
pictures from the concert...
Thursday, July 03, 2008
we had a cast party after the performance and had food and cleaned up at the academy.
it was really nice because omi and grandpadu were able to make it to our saturday performance and they enjoyed it.
afterwards omi and i were talking and then she looked at me and said," that man has something stuck to his butt." i was shocked and didn't know what she was talking about but when i looked over i found out that she was right. there was an older man standing near us and there was a white piece of paper stuck to his butt that said go wildcats with a megaphone. the sheet was one of the ones that we had used to reserve seats. so i told josh to come over and omi told him," go tell that man there's something stuck to his butt. im a lady and that would be kind of awkward if i told him." he saw the piece of paper and thought it was hilarious. he took a picture of it and said "story of my life!" omi and i both thought it was pretty funny.
tuesday morning kristin came up and we hung out all day. we went shopping at shoe carnival, maurices and bath and body works. then we went and got lunch and ate it the park by michael's house. after we dropped michael off, us girls drove to port washington to the the pier because we were going to meet josh there. we sat out for a little while and then walked back. i got some really amazing pictures with the water and us and reflections. we sat in kristin's car for a bit just talking and having fun. then when josh stood up to get out of the car isabel slammed a door and yelled FINE really loud. then she opened a door and slammed it again yelling again. she kept doing it while josh was walking back to his car. then kristin and i joined in. isabel quick ran out and got into josh's car. when kristin and i were pulling out we realized that we were making a scene and people really thought soemthing was wrong especially because isabel ran out of our car and into the other one. so we laughed about that one for awhile. when we got home we went out on the lake and the boys went fishing. the girls tried on the new clothes and then we ate dinner.
some of us were standing in the kitchen getting more food and drink and dad wanted to open the DR. WOW. so he started opening it and it exploded ALL over. it wasn't a little bit either. it was like a quarter of the bottle spraying ALL over the kitchen. kristin was standing there trying to hold her laughter in while we were all in shock or laughing.
after we cleaned everything up we headed outside for night games.we played capture the flag and then we decided to make up a game. we ended up playing outside until 2 in the morning. it was so beautiful out and there were millions of stars out.
the next morning we all got up at 5 to go fishing in door county. we were on the boat for just about 4 hours and had a really fun time. although we were dead tired we still enjoyed just being able to sit out there and relax. it started storming while we were out on the boat and we ended up catching 2 fish but only one to eat. captain paul thought it was probably 14lbs! after fishing we had some burgers on the way out and then kristin left and i worked.
today i went to children's with dad and jen and zoe for the heart meeting. i sat in the waiting room where the disney channel kept playing zach and cody episodes all afternoon.
other than that today was a pretty relaxing day.
i love it when kristin comes to town. we always cram as much as we can into the few hours we're together and it works...we all end up really tired after she leaves though. :)
tomorrow's the fourth and i get to see tracey's twins! i'm really excited we're also going to the cedarburg parade and then just going to hang out.
robbie seay's coming up! yay i'm really excited.
time for me to get some rest.