we're moved!
I think i'm finally catching up on sleep too.
Isabel and i got most of our room set up in the places where we want it and now it's just time to put things away. i started getting some of my clothes in my dresser last night and slowly but surely i am making this house more ours. our bathroom was finished yesterday so now we have another full bath downstairs and i got ready in it this morning! :) haha.
i wrapped most of my friends present last night which was really nice because i've needed time to do it for a while now. I'm pretty excited to see what everyone's reaction is going to be. i still have to finish shopping for like josh, kristin and mom. but other than that i think i have just about everyone else's presents.
exams start tomorrow and i think that i'm dreading tomorrow the worst too because i have pre-calc and world lit. 2.
last thing. our christmas concert was on sunday and it was the BEST one. the band is really good and acappella made it through. :) we didn't go flat on any of our songs and just went through it which was really nice. i loved some of our songs. and i was really happy that josh could make it because i had asked him to but wasn't sure if he would come.
now it's time to get the house all unpacked, study for exams and get the house decorated for christmas
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