Thursday, November 13, 2008

wow. today's's probably been like 2 weeks since i've written anything. i've been kinda busy and extremely exhausted for a while. i think it's just mostly the time change situation but this year it's really thrown me off. i don't think i'm the only one either. it stinks because it's getting dark at like 430 or 5 now. it's crazy.

erin and i have been hanging out a TON. last weekend was nice because we had a shortened day on thursday and then on friday we had a student help day. the shortened day was nice and then erin and i went to go hang out. we went to mcdonald's and got some hot chocolate and sat and talked for a long time...then we just were going to grab glue from Wal-Mart but then we stood in the art supplies aisle for like 20 minutes talking about everything that we loved about crayons and being kids. like having no care in the world at all. we talked about lisa frank and everything because i had to explain to selah and elise what lisa frank folders were and everything. it was so weird because when i was in kindergarten it was so cool. ;) ok. well not only kindergarten but some other grades too. after we looked at that we walked through the rest of the store and just walked around. finally we ended up in the craft corner. it was fun. we just were looking around and we decided that we were going to make pillows. so we got buttons and fabric for our pillow cases and our sewing stuff. then we hid in my room for a few hours and just made pillows. :) we didnt' end up finishing but got majority done.
on sunday we hung out again..well we went to bible study together. i love bible study. it's a fun time. lately so many people have been coming!
this week i've worked and hung out with erin. :) we went to out and out and then we were bugged by "gerry the crossing guard". yeah. he was convinced that i was going to have to walk across the street. then he tried convincing us that we needed to go to starbucks and get some hot chocolate.
anyway. dad worked for 72 hours in 4 days this week. he's tired...he's actually already asleep.

last week friday was a cool day because i went in for precalc which sucked but i then i went to help mr. staub with some stuff. i hung out in his room for like 2 hours or so. i organized music and then kaitlin and i went and we got lunch. when we got back kaitlin and i brought mr.staub some food and ate lunch in his room. it was a good time because we just talked about winterim and stuff.
then this tuesday erin and i helped mr. staub sort fruit info out. ok well i sat on my computer working on other stuff but they worked on it and i sat there. :)
"i love little debbie"-- quote of the day. love it.

i got erin hooked on moulin rouge too.

ok i gotta go do some journalism and general business.

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