this past weekend was a really fun time. on friday erin and i decided to go to the play. we went and bought food and then sat in the back snacking and watching the 2.5 hour long play! saturday morning i got up bright and early at 5 to go to CUC with erin. we drove there and got there on time. :) then we had all that fun visit day stuff. we saw matt miller. he's pretty awesome. he's always really nice and i was pretty surprised that he actually recognized us because he sees TONS of people all over the country telling them to come to the school. i saw PHIL! and chris and kristin and brad! it was really a good time. kristin and brad came and ate lunch with us. they brought wingstop and i just laughed because i've heard stories about wingstop. brad's a pretty cool guy it seemed like.
after the visit day we headed home. i watched cloverfield and hung out. then yesterday i got to packing again. i cleaned out the bathroom of crap we don't need anymore. it's like the easiest job to do around the house because all i end up doing is throwing stuff away. it's awesome.
today was a really good day. i don't know why but it just happened to be that way.
i talked to josh some the past few days. and i always am happy to talk to him...even if it is texting.
then erin and i sat in mr. staub's room again today. today was peanut m&m day. we need to stock up on some treats. cause them are good. i dont know.
as of right now. i'm freezing cold because our furnace isn't working right now. so even though our thermometer says it's 60 degrees in our house. i definitely believe that it is colder because it snowed outside today. it's not a lot of snow but enough to get everyone freaking out about it.
so i'm under three comforters right now in a long-sleeve shirt and zip-up sweatshirt and two pairs of pajama pants. i'm a little crazy cause i'm always cold but this doesn't help much either. :)
time for me to read and then sleep......
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