Wednesday, September 17, 2008

so it's late and im kinda tired.
i'm tired but i dont want to sleep. which really sucks because i know that tomorrow is going to be a pain in the butt day then.

we have a shortened day because it's ALREADY mid-quarter.

at work i was talking to some people telling them i was excited for our shortened day because it was short. :) and that it was already mid-quarter. dad told me that it meant i was 1/8 done with my senior year. these people at work were like really? you're only a senior? what?
i guess at work people think that i'm older than i actually am.
so yeah. that's kinda funny.

friday is josh's birthday. he'll be 22.
and it's dad's cousin's birthday too. lauren...i'm not sure how old she'll be ...19 i think.
anyway i was starting something for josh's birthday but i don tknow when i'll see him so it's pretty pointless as of right now.

homecoming is also coming up really fast. it will be on oct.4 !
i really have to find a dress. erin and i might look around this weekend if we really feel like it. ;) but i guess we'll have to see how we're feeling.

oh and lastly before i crash.
i love fruit. it's like all i'm eating these days. today i had 2 plums, a peach, and 2 kiwi. it's awesome. LOVE IT>

ok i really have to go sleep.
come what may...

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