Tuesday, July 22, 2008

today has been a pretty relaxing day like all summer days. :)

i talked to a bunch of people from school today online. it was really nice to kinda be able to catch up with some of them. tomorrow i have the chance to help out with freshman orientation. it will be a different experience and ill get to see a couple of people from school...and ill be in school for like 3 hours tomorrow! oh no. that means it's getting closer!

i was reminded by people today that there is less than a month of summer vacation left. it's so depressing in a way. there doesnt seem to be much of a summer to look back at. hopefully the next couple of weeks will be a blast.

kristin is going to OH this coming weekend to look at a potential teaching job for her. it's become a really hard choice for her to make in this time. she doesnt know if she wants to pick being close to friends and familiarity or if she should take the new job and be a part of that new expierence.

oh well. i guess thats her thing. :)
im looking forward to the next couple of days and the coming weeks.

change change change.
i dont think ill ever be used to it. but maybe one day it wont be so hard.

time to do something else.

zoe is 4 months old today! yay baby girl

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