Monday, April 18, 2011

tonight i was talking with a friend and we got on the topic of what i wanted to do with my life.
i'm laying in my bed at school. last year when i applied for school i said i wanted to go into
art education. so i'm going to cuw for art education at this point. but i can't help but wonder
if this is what i really want. i'm not sure if that's right. am i supposed to be questioning what i want to
do with the rest of my life? does everyone always question if what they pick it's the right thing?

i struggle with that every day. does everyone question what they have chosen or what they are choosing?
but then my friend did something that not many people do. he asked me, what do you wanna do?
i told him that i am like a 5 year old who changes their mind every 5 minutes. they wanna be a doctor,
and a mom and they choose many different things...

but what do i want to do?
what do i want to be when i grow up?
it sounds ridiculous that i would still be asking myself this question but here's the thing.
i have many dreams and things i want to do when i grow up.
i want to bake. i want to teach. i want to keep doing art. i want to keep working in the
restaurant business. i want to own a bakery. i want to write. i want to take pictures.
i want to grow up. i want to be able to be a mom one day. i want to be happy and serve Him.

this past week and a half i've been struggling with being happy too.
it sounds ridiculousbecause i'm blessed. i have a job and am in school.
i have  a family and many friends.
i just keep blaming it on being stressed but i am.
i'm ready for summer to be here. warm weather. sunshine. and other things.
but today it snowed.

alright i must stop rambling.
im very tired. and trying to watch good will hunting.

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