we're back to waiting.
zoe was doing pretty well the past couple of days.
now she's back in PICU as of this morning. dad rushed back off to the hospital and the little boys are at grandma's. isabel, kellen and i are left with packing up our house.
it's snowing like crazy..
hey hey hey what can i say..
it's just been one of those one of those days..
it's been one of those years.
where everything is going to go "perfect" and it doesn't...it doesn't go as planned.
we wait things out...
i'm thankful for all the bumps that we've hit this year..but it's hard being in one of those years.
zoe is in picu. please pray. we don't know what's going to happen.
here's a picture of her from two days ago...you can tell she's really pudgy and has GREAT coloring.
now we'll see. please pray.
now it's time for me to stop being incredibly lazy...and get ready for the move in 2 weeks. we have a lot of packing to do.
just a lot of crap going on....
p.s. dad is keeping the blog pretty updated because he can't really call us at the same time...
here's the link : http://batiansila.blogspot.com