Saturday, August 30, 2008
i love how i just put the day's at the top of my posts. there's not really a better way to start them i guess.
nice relaxing day for the most part. i worked from 10-3. then i went to the LW football game and the store.
kristin and i have been talking a lot the past couple days. which was really nice becuase it was so weird only talking to her for like 5 minutes the past weeks.
now we've finally caught up with everything. :)
it's so fun, having a friend, no matter where they are to just talk about random things. and sometimes we have that silence but it's like nice cause then we start talking about something else.
today i also saw meredith. she's SO cute. she was pretty content with kaitlin when i walked up so i talked to mrs. staub for a little bit.
if anyone has any good books for me to read let me know.
i really like melody carlson, gail levine, meg cabot. but i'm definitely open to new discoveries.
::most random post everrrrrr::
come what may...
Friday, August 29, 2008
this whole week of school and work has made me SO tired.
i keep coming home from school and wanting to take a nap on tuesday i did with zoe.
today i just was listening to music and was like ok nap time. and fell asleep for half an
tonight we have our "back to school" dance. erin and i are going and hanging out. later ill
go to her house and sleep there. tomorrow morning i work and on sunday i work. AND on
monday i work. what i really need is sleep. so hopefully tomorrow night i'll go to bed early
and sleep well.
ok i really gotta finish grabbing my stuff for erin's house!
come what may...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
the first day and a half are done. i'm into my senior year. my classes are looking pretty interesting. i'm taking world lit. 1, pre-calc, psych, journalism, acapella, general business, economics, and art 1.
that's first semester though. i'm thinking right now that for my winterim i might take creative writing.
it's not like i have to worry about that right now though because it was only my first day and a half. i don't think i'm picking my winterim until october. basically i'll be getting my share of english classes. this girl and i figured out that i'll have 6 english credits when i graduate. :) wow.
it's so cool being able to go onto itunes right now and listen to josh's cd. i keep going onto itunes store and looking it up just to make sure i'm not dreaming. dad was explaining to grandpadu about the itunes store the other night.
"if someone looked up josh's cd in china or anywhere around the world they would listen to HIS music and see the picture that teia took for the album."
now that is weird to think about. i mean that's across the world! well, clearly that's across the world. and i know that people across the world could be reading this blog. i guess that i never really realized that in china or bosnia and herzegovnia people would be reading my blog or looking at pictures I took.
ok, i'm off to read avalon high.. a book about king arthur, well kind of.
come what may...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
this morning i got up at 630 and looked around. i was mad to be awake at 630 in the morning and then i realized i was FREEZING cold. i didn't think i was going to be mad but i was mad because it was cold. so i got ready for the day and dad drove me to cedarburg. while sitting outside of starbuck's enjoying the morning i bought 3 cd's on itunes. the first was josh's cd. i'd been waiting to get it for the longest time, since i knew he was making one and then when i heard it had finally come out on itunes..that was it. :) the second cd i bought was bethany dillon: the beautiful sessions. it's an older one from her but it's bethany dillon so of course i'm going to buy it. ;)
the third cd was another bethany dillon. it was her newest one that came out in april. it's her music but the acoustic version.
then after that i ended up working from 930 to 5. well that's when i was signed in. anyway after that i came home and babysat zo.
that was my day. now i'm waiting up for omi and grandpadu because they're staying the night. dad just got the call and they should be here relatively soon. :)
starting school tomorrow at LW as a senior.
come what may...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
here's some of the things ethan said:
"selah's (her card) says, 'you never go at earth, you have to go to heaven says God...from the wrong things you it's uncle josh's turn. 'when you do this...' now it's daddy's turn."
a little later he said these ones:
"don't be so really sad for Jesus is in heaven, for He has the power and the it's daddy's turn. now it's uncle josh's turn. God is from heaven for you and you and you and you and you and you. now it's daddy's turn. now it's my turn aidan."
"He's got the power of mine. your sins have to go to heaven. God is from heaven for you and you and you. don't call n4 and 9."
i'm not sure about the "don't call n4 and 9" but i'm sure it has something to do with power rangers or something because they ended up turning the game into a power rangers thing after i caught these things.
ethan's got it. he's 5 and he's got it.
have faith like a child....
"ain't that the truth."
come what may...
it's the last tuesday of the summer. i have today and tomorrow left of summer break. :)
this summer has been pretty boring. sure, there were those days that i did nothing -which happened to be majority of the summer. then there were those special days that i did "special" things. i guess the first day was when we went to Omi and GrandpaDu's for the 50th wedding anniversary service. that was a fun day where we were able to see the ENTIRE family. entire meaning all 10 kids, all in-laws, and ALL the cousins.

in july we had the fishing trip and our "night games" night with kristin and josh and minte.
it was the second time that we played night games, i know that tidbit of information is not too exciting but it was fun and i'm glad that we were able to do it again. the second time we even made up a game and basically got no sleep.
of course there was the Robbie Seay concert. i was just telling mom about the concert this past weekend and i remembered all the little stories that had made me laugh so hard that night. the guys were SO incredibly nice and i'm so grateful that they were able to come.
at out and out (where i work) we had a day where 12 of us went to six flags. we saved all of our tip money from the past year and went and had a great day...where we all got wet because it rained.
then 2 weeks later i was able to go to six flags with josh, kristin, michael, isabel, kellen, minte and me. we had such a blast.
this picture is from about 2 minutes ago. this is us doing what we do best. me holding a sleeping zoe and writing something....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

days are winding.
winds are changing.
days are getting shorter.
winds are getting colder.
all clues for the school year that is starting in a week.
i was able to go to ethan's t-ball game and enjoy the "fall" weather and being outside.
these past couple of days i've had this "craving" to write. i don't know what to write about or how to start. all i know is that i have this itch that keeps begging me to write something. maybe i'll write something to kristin or just doodle.
i have a feeling that some of this goes with the fact that i haven't been talking to people as much as i used to.
last summer all i did was talk..i can't think of a day where i just sat around by myself which is really different from this summer. now it's the exact opposite.
things change. people change.
i'm going to try to relieve this "itch" for writing.
have a wonderful day...
come what may....
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
this summer was so different from last that it's crazy. i wish i could've done so much more and motivated myself to do more. but of course, i got into that funk and couldn't get out till a couple of weeks ago. now i'm back..
also, i'm pretty excited about school shopping because i feel like i need some new clothes. some cute ones. some dresses. haha i dont know really i just like shopping.
it's really grown on me.
time for me to read and relax before i get into the school ways again.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
TOULOUSE: The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!
Never knew I could feel like this. . .
. . .It’s like I’ve never seen the sky before.
Want to vanish. . .
[CHRISTIAN pauses, in inner turmoil.]
. . . inside your kiss,
Everyday I’m loving you more and more.
[SATINE walks forward across the stage, as CHRISTIAN slowly turns around.]
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing,
Come back to me and forgive everything.
[SATINE gasps for breath, but recovers.]
[SATInE cues the orchestra to accompany SATINE.]
Seasons may change, winter to spring. . .
Till the end of time.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
the past week has been pretty crazy and now it's finally settling down.
last monday i was able to help out with germanfest some more. then on tuesday and wednesday i helped erin take some senior pictures and worked. we had a pretty fun time going to milwaukee and doing some on-site shooting downtown. then josh slept over on wednesday night because we were going to leave for six flags right in the morning. we had an awesome time at six flags. we were able to go on a lot of rides and just really enjoyed everyone's company. :)
minte, michael, isabel, josh, kellen, kristin and i all went. we made new jokes and laughed the whole day. later that night i was able to go home with kristin. we were so tired on thursday night. friday we woke up and had our whole day planned out. we went to water her babysitting family's plants, and ran a ton of errands. then we went shopping at the mall.
later we called hunter and went to see the dark knight with him. it was really fun and an amazing movie. hunter and i ended up talking for over an hour while kristin was on the phone. it was really fun we talked about school and what i want to do. after hunter left we talked to dan on the phone until 4 in the morning and then got up so we could get back home.
of course, traffic was horrific. going from chicago to west bend it took us about 3 and a half hours! it was crazy.
now i'm back home and it's kinda nice. i was able to actually do laundry and clean my room on monday. :) i was pretty happy about that.
it's august...ew. not too excited about that. oh well.