that following weekend kristin came up from chicago. isabel, tracey, kristin and i went to mayfair mall and went prom dress shopping. isabel and i both found dresses. we were really excited. then that whole weekend we just hung out. it was really relaxing but fun because we got to see kristin and hang out. last week was long. i ended up being mad at people for no reason. i tend to overreact. so this is what happened. josh told me that we were going to take pictures for his cd early last week. and i was really excited. but then it kept getting pushed off. i was so angry because in a way i just wanted to get them out of the way and i didn't want it to be cloudy or rainy in the pictures. i wanted it to be perfect. but each day was perfect and i kept getting the phone call that it wasn't happening. finally thursday was the SET date. i was ecstatic. i was worried. i was nervous. i was happy, hyper, calm, collected and all the opposites. at the same time. i didn't know what to think. what was I going to do. i was going to see josh and take pictures. something i always do. i was going to do what i love for him...i was going to do this so that it could be a part of something that HE loves doing. i knew where i wanted some pictures. but i was just going to click click click and he would do his thing. what if they didn't turn out? what if something went wrong? what if.... there were the endless worries. but that's what i do best most times. so josh showed up during 8th hour and we said hi. then after school we went into the music room and he started playing and i started taking pictures. ones with reflections, hands, keys, face and emotion. listening to him sing. made me happy. i sang along. after there we went to the railroad track and took them there. i got over 100 pictures for sure. we got home and put them on my computer. and LOW AND BEHOLD. what happened. they all were mini pictures in one. 16 pictures in 1 4x6 picture. it made me so mad. but i couldn't be mad. so i laughed. i LAUGHED. hard. and long. and whenever i thought about it. i laughed some more. how could i do something so dumb and not realize it. i told dad and we tried fixing it....but more pictures would jsut have to be taken because those were not going to blow up and look nice. no they would be blown up and look crappy and pixelated. haha. so our PLAN B was for me to take off of school and then we would take pictures. thursday night we went to the ascension service at church. it was something we all needed. zoe was struggling last week and we all needed to sing. so we did. we sang like 2 songs but it was nice. after that we hung out. friday came along and it was cloudy. i was like ok. it's ok. it won't turn out like yesterday but it will still..oh i dont know. i was kinda upset. the "perfect" weather was going to have to be cloudy, foggy and muggy out. when josh got over and we stepped out the door it started to rain. of course. so i laughed. and laughed. then plan C.. take some pictures in the backyard. we took about 100 more pictures in the backyard.. they ended up NICE , really nice. nicer than i expected. we went to walmart and went shopping and then took more pictures at the railroad tracks. these were 10x better than the ones on thursday. the weather helped. God knew what He was doing once again. of course. i mean how could i doubt HIM? i did. but He knew what he was doing. josh and i were in love with the pictures. i didn't know how to process it so i laughed. i felt like an insane person but it was laughing or crying. laughing was easier and not as messy. ;)
saturday jen and i went to tracey's baby shower. then people from dad's work came over. it was a really nice time. i finally told josh late saturday night what was going on. i told him that i was mad at him at the beginning of the week. and that i needed him to be my friend. i don't know if i just don't show that i need someone or what. but i told him. i felt better. hahah. i told him how proud i was of his cd. i listened to it for the first time on saturday. it was calm, relaxing, and josh. it reminded me of being

yesterday aunt heidi and uncle phil came with the boys. deirdre, piera and temish came over for a while too. then i slept from 730 to 530. it was nice.
--he's using his talents.
ok here's a picture. one of my favorites. --->
here's a typical josh pic. :P (joshuA)--->
on that note. time for some sleep.
love you always.
1 comment:
The LORD has certainly blessed you with such a detailed talent. I pray that you are to continue to work with the talent. I miss you and I am so glad that you are able to go to Prom. YEAH!!
Love you, NANA
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