this one of isabel looks like it's from heroes or something.

Bored in a stable with nothing to do.
We make a game of throwing our shoes.
Lead me to water, but not to the track.
Show me a saddle and I'll say, "Hey get off my back."
All in favor (all in favor) say "Nay!"
We like the flavor of (we like the flavor of) hay.
We're gonna graze all of our days.
Until they take us away and turn us into glue.
Like Mr. Ed always said... May the horse be with you.
May the horse be with you.
May the Horse be with you everyday.
I trot by the fillies (they like me of course).
They all dig my band (yea I'm a rocking horse).
You gotta take off your spurs to ride me you know.
If you want me to stop then yell out "Whoa".
All in favor (all in favor) say "Nay!"
We like the flavor of (we like the flavor of) hay
i thought he was going to drop me! so i was holding on for dear life...and then it didn't help that he was making funny faces at me.. you can kinda tell that his eyebrows are raised..so yeha...
christmas was pretty fun...my grandparents came and i was at mom's house...christmas eve we were at dad's house and it was fun...we all had tons of nice stuff..small stuff but it was alll really nice..i love christmas' like that..i got a cellphone...which is pretty exciting to most people !
for new year's we were at dad's and since we didn't invite any one over dad and jen said we had to do karaoke.which was not horrible...i didn't want to do it at first but then isabel helped me out with 'conquering my fear' i guess...what else...uh oh yeah...the new year we were like yay! actually i guess we were so tired thta we didn't do anything..and then 15 minutes later i was in bed...i was EXHAUSTED..plus church was in the morning..and wow..i was tired..what else....
MY BIRTHDAY IS ON MONDAY.....AND I"M TURNING 15! YAY! so that's exciting..oh yeah...and i dont have school on my birthday which is even better..! ;-)
exams are this week which is really nerveracking cause i've never had that before..and i'm scared..but mostly for english class and geography...and biology cause i suck at bio...:-) but german will be easy so will algebra and old testament i guess... that's all..i'll ttyl...
love teia