im really REALLY excited for school least for today i am! ha! so volleyball is all this week from that always i have pictures....i love pictures..i need a new camera. ! mine really sucks..but for right now i'm using mom's! most of these pictures are from when we went to indiana a few weekends ago...the others are from a friday night...when noone was home!

the path by dad's house...and the creek..

pretty flowers...still on the path..

isabel looking at something...its in indiana..

one of my new favorite pictures!

i'm guessing something good happened with the flower!

on the way back from indiana..i was having fun with the camera and mirror! i like this picture too...well actually i like all the pictures i put up here!
school starts next friday already! i found out my schedule and locker number.. i have locker 52! and heres' my schedule:
Chemistry - mrs. Staub
German II - Gruenstern
Geometry - Genszler
Expos Writ - Pfaff
!Choir! - mr. Staub
World Hist - Ott
Film and Lit - Stel
Discipleship - Genszler
im not taking english 10 this year..which is pretty weird (it didnt' fit in my schedule i guess)...and i might end up taking it next year because i need four english credits...
so that's really excited for choir and choir tour already! i have an idea for prom theme too...erin and i were talking about it today and it would be really fun!
homecoming is on october 7! im getting ahead ....
check this out..if you havent already. ;-)
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