Monday, November 02, 2009

sometimes i wish missing wasn't even possible.

then there'd be no crying and hurt.
although on the other end it makes the reunion usually so much better.

basically right now i think missing others sucks. cause it ends up being lot of crap where you say you can't wait to hang out and how you miss the "good old times.."
majority of the time, i think i'm the only person actually missing the "good old times" and really needing to hang out with someone.

...i need a friend who can hang out all the time and talk...

if you know of someone who won't leave me ...let me know...cause i could really use my old friends right now even though they are all across the country and one isn't even a friend anymore. well i'm not sure. i hope we are. i just don't know.

ok i'm tired and a mess. i think this means sleep is needed.

comewhat may...

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