yesterday was the ACT. it was nice knowing that some other girls in my class hadn't taken it yet and were in the same testing room as i was. we talked before we started and that woke me up which was really nice because i needed to wake up more! so we took that..
then last night was the fall concert. it went really well. all of us were afraid that it wasn't going to go well. but it was awesome...ok. so alto's struggled a little. well alto 1's did at least. we had trouble hitting a couple of our notes. but it's ok because i dont think that you could really tell. and three of us were frustrated because we were getting our notes earlier and then during the end of the song we STRUGGLED with it..
today we went to church and then i worked from 4 to close. it was really cold out today though. it was kind of raining /snowing. and today was trick-or-treat too. :)
dad asked me today if josh had gotten his birthday present from me yet. i told him not yet. i'm pretty much over it. it's sitting behind my couch. i think that it'll be there until we move and then i'll keep it for my other room.
the birthday present i get/make for people are always crapped on. gr.
oh and on november 1st i'll probably just end up showing everyone on this blog and on facebook what the gift is because it seems to me that everyone except josh cares...frustration...
ok i gotta go. i'm tired and i gotta get up early tomorrow.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
wow. i haven't really posted anything this week. not much has happened truthfully. it's been a "blah" week. i talked to erika from dad's work a few times. she's pretty awesome. then i don't has been going on. this week was pretty much a "blah struggle". :)
tomorrow i take the ACT and then the choir concert is tomorrow night.
i'm kinda excited for the choir concert. our practice today went really well and that's always encouraging.
the ACT, however, will be interesting. i'm a little nervous right now. i'm taking it and that's a good thing. i just hate how some people were like grilling me about how i should have taken it last year and giving me crap about how they are planning to take it in a few months so they can study for those months leading up to it. thanks. those comments really helped my self esteem.
anyway. that's about it on saturday...on sunday i work. i really wish i could make it to bible study at andrew b's because it's a really fun time. and sometimes i say way more than i would expect myself to say. oh well. that's the fun part about it though.
ok. time to finish my salad and study hardcore for this test tomorrow morning.
tomorrow i take the ACT and then the choir concert is tomorrow night.
i'm kinda excited for the choir concert. our practice today went really well and that's always encouraging.
the ACT, however, will be interesting. i'm a little nervous right now. i'm taking it and that's a good thing. i just hate how some people were like grilling me about how i should have taken it last year and giving me crap about how they are planning to take it in a few months so they can study for those months leading up to it. thanks. those comments really helped my self esteem.
anyway. that's about it on saturday...on sunday i work. i really wish i could make it to bible study at andrew b's because it's a really fun time. and sometimes i say way more than i would expect myself to say. oh well. that's the fun part about it though.
ok. time to finish my salad and study hardcore for this test tomorrow morning.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
last night was really fun.
ok well this whole weekend was a really good weekend.
friday night a bunch of us from work went to dinner together and then we went to a corn field maze thing.
it was really new and exciting. kelly was screaming and i was screaming and laughing. ;) so kelly was pulling me through the mazze thing and i tripped and fell twice. i was laughing so hard.
yesterday was pretty relaxing. we had the zoe auction/dinner event. it was really fun. i didn't think it was going to be awesome but i got some really good laughs out of it. at first it was kinda boring but then carly and jared showed up which was awesome. and i got over my selfish being mad at others. the house was AMAZING. josh sang the night away.
i talked to mandi and mr. pope for a while. then dad and ryan decided they were going to race. dad won. hm.
later in the night. i was kneeling down because i was tired of standing and i was talking to mandi and all of a sudden i hear this girl like screaming/yelping and she was falling over. onto me and she landed on me. i was laughing so hard ...well i was trying not too because it was funny but i didn't want to laugh in her face. she was drunk. :)
then josh, kellen, two girls, andy (the owner) and i listened to josh play some of his music and then some coldplay and skillet. it was really cool. very interesting conversations too.
on the way home we hit a deer. more like it side-swiped our van. we're all fine but the van it a little beat up on the passenger side. there's some dents. that deer had to have been big.
today we went to church and then hung out. i've been wasting my day on the computer. then i went to borresen's for bible study. it was on prayer this week. it was really cool to talk about. we got some really good insight.
yah hey vah hey. :) i remembered something.
then i came home and talked to erika. she had some awesome advice. we talked for over an hour. and it was a great time. emotional, inspiring...
now i'm sittin here
i have some things to look over and then sleep.
come what may...
ok well this whole weekend was a really good weekend.
friday night a bunch of us from work went to dinner together and then we went to a corn field maze thing.
it was really new and exciting. kelly was screaming and i was screaming and laughing. ;) so kelly was pulling me through the mazze thing and i tripped and fell twice. i was laughing so hard.
yesterday was pretty relaxing. we had the zoe auction/dinner event. it was really fun. i didn't think it was going to be awesome but i got some really good laughs out of it. at first it was kinda boring but then carly and jared showed up which was awesome. and i got over my selfish being mad at others. the house was AMAZING. josh sang the night away.
i talked to mandi and mr. pope for a while. then dad and ryan decided they were going to race. dad won. hm.
later in the night. i was kneeling down because i was tired of standing and i was talking to mandi and all of a sudden i hear this girl like screaming/yelping and she was falling over. onto me and she landed on me. i was laughing so hard ...well i was trying not too because it was funny but i didn't want to laugh in her face. she was drunk. :)
then josh, kellen, two girls, andy (the owner) and i listened to josh play some of his music and then some coldplay and skillet. it was really cool. very interesting conversations too.
on the way home we hit a deer. more like it side-swiped our van. we're all fine but the van it a little beat up on the passenger side. there's some dents. that deer had to have been big.
today we went to church and then hung out. i've been wasting my day on the computer. then i went to borresen's for bible study. it was on prayer this week. it was really cool to talk about. we got some really good insight.
yah hey vah hey. :) i remembered something.
then i came home and talked to erika. she had some awesome advice. we talked for over an hour. and it was a great time. emotional, inspiring...
now i'm sittin here
i have some things to look over and then sleep.
come what may...
Saturday, October 18, 2008

oh saturdays.
right now i've been trying to get aidan to go to the bathroom for over 20 minutes. he keeps talking about how he'll get a treat if he goes to the bathroom on the potty. he gets really distracted and i think he forgets he's not just sitting there. so here i am sitting on the bathroom stool doing things on my computer and he's sitting on the toilet talking about the ladybugs. how the ladybug is crawling on the floor and it will go in his pants because it's crawling on the floor. by this picture he realized he didn't have to tell me he was almost done for the 15th time.
besides that i've taken some more fall pictures today and edited more pictures.
yesterday was a really fun time. once again the workers at out and out saved up our tip money and went to dinner at ramano's for pizza and then headed over to meadowbrook corn field for a fun time in the corn field. kelly and i were walking together and ran a lot of the time. haha. we're dorks but it was so much fun. at least i thought so. we ran ran ran and then i fell....twice. yeah about that. my pants were pretty muddy because it had rained a little bit last night and then it was slippery and i was being pulled behind someone to run faster. halfway through the cornfield the power went out. it wasn't just "the power went out". it really did happen. the security guards were like ok what do we do now? so by the end they told us that we should take out our cellphone for the rest of the dark way.
so that was my night full of muddy running and hanging out with my friends from work.
ok i gotta go get's been 30 minutes now..........and he's pretending the bathroom is a race track or something and the cars are racing past him....soundeffects and all. and background music.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
in honor of my "three months till my birthday as of today day" i was going to put up a new template background thing but i couldn't find one that i really liked so we'll just keep this one for a little while longer. or until i find one that is awesome. :)
today was a weird day. i wasn't feeling well. i felt like it was a friday. i got really upset during journalism and it just was not good.
tomorrow we're going to the corn maze with work. it's going to be fun. we'll take some pictures and have a blast. first we'll go out for pizza and then head out to meadowbrook. before we leave i'm buying hot chocolate or some sort of warm drink.
right now i'm pretty exhausted. i can't really fall asleep earlier than 1130. this past week has been horrible with trying to fall asleep and stay asleep so i've been exhausted.
hopefully this weekend i'll be able to get some sleep.
happy birthday alexis!!!!!! today she turned 17. yay.
ok time for me to rest up so that i can do some homework in the morning or something like that.
yay friday.
today was a weird day. i wasn't feeling well. i felt like it was a friday. i got really upset during journalism and it just was not good.
tomorrow we're going to the corn maze with work. it's going to be fun. we'll take some pictures and have a blast. first we'll go out for pizza and then head out to meadowbrook. before we leave i'm buying hot chocolate or some sort of warm drink.
right now i'm pretty exhausted. i can't really fall asleep earlier than 1130. this past week has been horrible with trying to fall asleep and stay asleep so i've been exhausted.
hopefully this weekend i'll be able to get some sleep.
happy birthday alexis!!!!!! today she turned 17. yay.
ok time for me to rest up so that i can do some homework in the morning or something like that.
yay friday.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
work work work.
it's been a crazy week at work. i've been working with kelly a lot lately. she's cool. we really get along and have a lot in common. we worked 3 days together this week already and will be working together tomorrow night too.
i've worked 21 hours this week which is kinda nice except for the fact that i haven't talked to kristin since last sunday. it totally sucks. and i think we kinda figured that there would be times when we wouldn't have time to talk. but this sucks. i just love talking to her and hanging out with her. and right now I MISS it. on the way home from work tonight i was just thinking about how the last night she slept here she was laying here and she was like , "teia. i don't know when we're going to be able to see each other next." it really hasn't hit me. i'm hoping that soon i can go down there but i guess we'll see. nothing is really going to change our friendship though...we're far away but we still talk and have lots of good memories.
this friday we're going to a haunted corn maze with some people from work! awesome. :)
i'm pretty psyched plus i'll probably be so freaked out and hopefully i'll live through it without peeing my pants. oh man....
work work work. this week i'm working on monday and wednesday.
today i think i heard lose my soul on the radio at least 3 times. i love that song but every time i was in the car it was on. ok time for me to check over my homework...make sure i have all of it ready to go for tomorrow.
it's been a crazy week at work. i've been working with kelly a lot lately. she's cool. we really get along and have a lot in common. we worked 3 days together this week already and will be working together tomorrow night too.
i've worked 21 hours this week which is kinda nice except for the fact that i haven't talked to kristin since last sunday. it totally sucks. and i think we kinda figured that there would be times when we wouldn't have time to talk. but this sucks. i just love talking to her and hanging out with her. and right now I MISS it. on the way home from work tonight i was just thinking about how the last night she slept here she was laying here and she was like , "teia. i don't know when we're going to be able to see each other next." it really hasn't hit me. i'm hoping that soon i can go down there but i guess we'll see. nothing is really going to change our friendship though...we're far away but we still talk and have lots of good memories.
this friday we're going to a haunted corn maze with some people from work! awesome. :)
i'm pretty psyched plus i'll probably be so freaked out and hopefully i'll live through it without peeing my pants. oh man....
work work work. this week i'm working on monday and wednesday.
today i think i heard lose my soul on the radio at least 3 times. i love that song but every time i was in the car it was on. ok time for me to check over my homework...make sure i have all of it ready to go for tomorrow.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
this tree i took a picture of is SO awesome. this part is obviously bright red and orange-ish. the other half is pale yellow and the the bottom part of the tree is still green. there are so many colors in this tree. i love it.
it's been just about a year since we moved here to WB. actually i remember it was like the 14th and 15th. we had so much fun that weekend. now we're in a different time and with different friends. if some of us have those friends.
the weekends are not filled with singing turkey lurkey or calling out about all the peacocks in a room. they are now filled with work and coming home and doing some laundry. there are no more koolah nights as much as we all want them. movies and paradise drive nights are far in our minds. singing and going to the beach memories are drifting away like the waves from the sand.
they are not filled with dressing up and looking silly while standing on the dock or getting all dressed up for the "night games". they are not full of talks on the phones for hours.
we've grown up and we've grown apart.
i love fall. i could stare out the tree in the front of the house for hours. i wish i could just climb it and find out where the colors start to change from green to yellow to light orange to dark orange and the deep red. it's so pretty.
the only reason i don't really like fall is because it leads to winter and as much as sometimes i love the first snowfall and sitting on swings in dresses, barefoot in the snow. :) it's still a little cold for me. i just love being able to wear shorts and tank tops. instead of being in sweatshirts and jeans and socks and gloves more like the layers and layers of clothes. although they are really comfy clothes sometimes it just does not cut it.
pretty soon it's time to bring out all the christmas music and go shopping for presents! yay. only like a month before that insaneness begins. :)
time for me to get some ice cream and read it up before sleep, church and work tomorrow.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
ok see the thing is is i don't really like waiting for a ride after school. but i'll wait because what else am i going to do. i try to get involved. i've tried out for just about every play and musical our school has offered and i haven't made it. i did volleyball for 2 years. then i got a job. i liked volleyball but i wasn't good at it and i know it. i was fine. i knew the basics and got stuff down but i also screwed up a lot. i tried to push myself to do better and better. but that just ended up making me mad because i would screw up and get upset with myself even more for screwing it up again. i got a job and now it's a big hassle because we've moved and everything. it's like i have to keep changing jobs until we find somewhere to live for real. to stay.
i tried getting involved in chamber choir.
i didn't make it. i worked my butt off for 3 years and then come this year i worked my butt off for that month and a half so far. and then the people for chamber were announced and i didn't make it.
so you cannot tell me that i need to get "more involved" because i've tried and failed everytime. i've failed and i can't fail again. i just want to do something that i'm great at and something that makes everyone proud including myself.
so right now i'm just going to sit like a bump on a log waiting for my ride after school because i have to and that's what is going to happen for the rest of this year.
ok see the thing is is i don't really like waiting for a ride after school. but i'll wait because what else am i going to do. i try to get involved. i've tried out for just about every play and musical our school has offered and i haven't made it. i did volleyball for 2 years. then i got a job. i liked volleyball but i wasn't good at it and i know it. i was fine. i knew the basics and got stuff down but i also screwed up a lot. i tried to push myself to do better and better. but that just ended up making me mad because i would screw up and get upset with myself even more for screwing it up again. i got a job and now it's a big hassle because we've moved and everything. it's like i have to keep changing jobs until we find somewhere to live for real. to stay.
i tried getting involved in chamber choir.
i didn't make it. i worked my butt off for 3 years and then come this year i worked my butt off for that month and a half so far. and then the people for chamber were announced and i didn't make it.
so you cannot tell me that i need to get "more involved" because i've tried and failed everytime. i've failed and i can't fail again. i just want to do something that i'm great at and something that makes everyone proud including myself.
so right now i'm just going to sit like a bump on a log waiting for my ride after school because i have to and that's what is going to happen for the rest of this year.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
last night we celebrated elise's birthday at the mineshaft. it was a really nice night...well inside it was. outside, however, was pouring raining and kinda cold. we had some good pizza and then headed up to the game room. isabel and i totally rock at colorama II. we got over 150 tickets just from that game. i don't really know how many we won from that game because we played it so many times. i ended up having a ton of tickets and there were all those small toy things that you would get but i didn't find any that i really liked so i just picked out some quick and then we came home.
i can't believe that elise is 7. yesterday was her golden birthday. sometimes she seems so much older because i guess i was like 10 when she was born but it seems like it was forever ago.
other than that this week has been kinda crazy. i've worked both monday and tonight for 5 hours after school. then i come home and do some wonderful homework and then the next day starts. thankfully this week has been going somewhat faster than last week. the bad thing about it going so fast though is that i have the ACT on the 25th so in like 2 weeks and also the end of the 1st quarter is next week! ahhh. crazy.
ok i really should get some sleep so i don't get sick!
i can't believe that elise is 7. yesterday was her golden birthday. sometimes she seems so much older because i guess i was like 10 when she was born but it seems like it was forever ago.
other than that this week has been kinda crazy. i've worked both monday and tonight for 5 hours after school. then i come home and do some wonderful homework and then the next day starts. thankfully this week has been going somewhat faster than last week. the bad thing about it going so fast though is that i have the ACT on the 25th so in like 2 weeks and also the end of the 1st quarter is next week! ahhh. crazy.
ok i really should get some sleep so i don't get sick!
Monday, October 06, 2008
this past weekend was really crazy. friday was a fun school spirit day. we had a lot of fun at the pep rally. audra, erin and i sat next to each other and we just cheered along and laughed really hard. then friday night we had the powderpuff game and the bonfire. juniors and seniors beat the freshman and sophomores 34-0. yeah it was pretty awesome. then saturday morning i got up bright and early. cleaned up my room a bit and went to work. after work i went to the homecoming football game which we lost 30-20 against heritage christian. after that dad picked kellen and i off and dropped him off for dinner and we went to the concert. it was AWESOME. we were able to sit on the side in like the 4th row. when we walked in josh wilson was singing. i couldn't place where i'd heard his name before but then i recognized his 3 minute song because they play it on K-LOVE a lot. then "matthew east" came out on stage and got us warmed up and sang a couple of acoustic songs. we had an intermission where i bought 3 posters and some buttons. oh man...i'm a dork. :) then he came back on and he sang and showed some video clips. it was fun. then he made up a song about wisconsin. it made me laugh. after the concert i was the 2nd person to see him. the kid in front of me was really nice. he kept talking and talking about all the people he'd seen in concert and how excited he was to see mw. it was really nice. then he showed me some of his dance moves... haha.
so zoe got to meet him and i had him sign some posters. i felt really bad because my hands were freezing cold the whole night... anyway it was a really nice time. it was awesome to see him in concert again and for his something to say tour. awesome.
dad, jen and i drove home and then got ready for everyone to get back from the dance. we ended up having a fire in the fireplace and talking for a while before we got a movie started.
sunday morning was so tiring. we were at church at 730 to sing for choir. after that i came home and talked to kristin on the phone and slept the rest of the day. once i got back up again i did homework and fell back asleep.
so it was a crazy homecoming week and weekend. i'm kinda glad it will slow down for a while now but am going to miss the excitement of last week. ok i gotta get to sleep.
come what may...
so zoe got to meet him and i had him sign some posters. i felt really bad because my hands were freezing cold the whole night... anyway it was a really nice time. it was awesome to see him in concert again and for his something to say tour. awesome.
dad, jen and i drove home and then got ready for everyone to get back from the dance. we ended up having a fire in the fireplace and talking for a while before we got a movie started.
sunday morning was so tiring. we were at church at 730 to sing for choir. after that i came home and talked to kristin on the phone and slept the rest of the day. once i got back up again i did homework and fell back asleep.
so it was a crazy homecoming week and weekend. i'm kinda glad it will slow down for a while now but am going to miss the excitement of last week. ok i gotta get to sleep.
come what may...
Thursday, October 02, 2008
yesterday was pj/robe day. it totally felt like a thursday and i really had it in my head that's what day it was. and then i realized it was only wednesday. so i missed pushing daisies and was exhausted. today was superhero day. i didn't dress up like a superhero...i know. LAME. that's okay. my school spirit has shown throughout the week. :) tomorrow is school spirit day. im thinking of what i can wear. ill look ridiculous but that's totally fine with me.
after school is the powderpuff game and then it's the bonfire! yay! i'm excited.
then here's the thing. yesterday i get into the car and dad's like i have good news and bad news. im thinking oh crap what. he's like so i got matthew west meet and greet passes...and i finished with "for this saturday" and he nodded. so i had to make the decision whether or not to go to the homecoming dance or to the matthew west concert. i really struggled because i really enjoyed last year's dance. i had a fun time. this year is different. i'm sure i'd still have a great time but i think i might even have a better time at the matthew west concert. and it will be a new experience. yay. so i had to tell some people today that i wasn't going to the dance. i told erin and i thought that she might be mad at me but right now it seems like she isn't too mad. so that is what is going on.
i hope i don't make any wrong decisions. it really was a hard choice.
ok i have art to catch up on and then some sleep!!!
yesterday was pj/robe day. it totally felt like a thursday and i really had it in my head that's what day it was. and then i realized it was only wednesday. so i missed pushing daisies and was exhausted. today was superhero day. i didn't dress up like a superhero...i know. LAME. that's okay. my school spirit has shown throughout the week. :) tomorrow is school spirit day. im thinking of what i can wear. ill look ridiculous but that's totally fine with me.
after school is the powderpuff game and then it's the bonfire! yay! i'm excited.
then here's the thing. yesterday i get into the car and dad's like i have good news and bad news. im thinking oh crap what. he's like so i got matthew west meet and greet passes...and i finished with "for this saturday" and he nodded. so i had to make the decision whether or not to go to the homecoming dance or to the matthew west concert. i really struggled because i really enjoyed last year's dance. i had a fun time. this year is different. i'm sure i'd still have a great time but i think i might even have a better time at the matthew west concert. and it will be a new experience. yay. so i had to tell some people today that i wasn't going to the dance. i told erin and i thought that she might be mad at me but right now it seems like she isn't too mad. so that is what is going on.
i hope i don't make any wrong decisions. it really was a hard choice.
ok i have art to catch up on and then some sleep!!!
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