ironman, the dells and madison...oh my.
this weekend has been insane. on friday over 23 people called in "sick" for school. all these people that signed out of school attended the McCain-Palin speech. so far i've heard from many people that it was pretty awesome.
after school dad picked up me and isabel and we drove home to hang out with michael hennessey. he's this really awesome guy from TX who is trying to set the world record of ironman races. meaning in one year he will swim, bike and run in 23 races. the race altogether is a little over 140 miles long meaning it will be 3,220 miles...i think if i did the math right. :)
he hung out with us on friday night. we talked and then sang some...of course. hahaha for some reason i busted out "think of me" and he' slike i love that song. so we listened to it on the computer while michael made us cookies.
it was really confusing because michael maziarka was over and then so was michael hennessey. so we started calling m.m. = michie. haha. cause josh calls michael, michelle. so running michael made us some amazing chocolate chip cookies. then he's like hey teia. do you know this song that won best song of the year? i was like umm. i dont know maybe..whats it called. so he youtubed it and played it. i was like I LOVE THIS SONG! it was falling slowly from the movie once. he said that it's one of his favorite songs. ;) yay.
after talking and hanging out with him. yesterday morning we got up and said bye and good luck and that we'd meet him at the finish line.
then we all quickly packed up and drove to the dells where we stayed at the wilderness. it was ablast. we had access to a ton of waterparks- indoor and outdoor. yesterday it was pretty chilly so we stuck to the indoor ones. we went on this one ride called the hurricane. it was amazing. then i ended up falling asleep pretty early. i was so tired and for the rest of the night i was in and out of it. this morning we got up, ate, and got ready for more waterparks. we went to an indoor one but the water was kinda chilly so we decided to try an outdoor one today. it was a great idea. the breeze was somewhat cool but the water was really warm and the sun felt wonderful. they had a two-story lazy river that you had to take your tube on a lift thing to the upper level and then a slide down to the other level. it was awesome. there were also 4 body slides, where you would grab a mat and run to the top. at the top of the ride all the people would get in and race to the bottom, while laying on your stomach.
we all had a really nice time at the place and are exhausted now.
on our way back we detoured to madison to see the end of the ironman race. it was an awesome experience. we were able to see the end of the marathon and the race had been going for over 12 hours when we were leaving. i cant imagine being able to swim, bike and run for over that long amount of time. we met up with michael at the end of the race and took some pictures with him. he was tired- duh and we were really excited to see him.
then we came home.
the end.
sorry bout the abruptness of this post. im exhausted and my eyes hurt. time for sleep.
ill post up some pics soon.
come what may...