so here's the sad thing. i've been trying to write this blog entry since monday night. it's now wednesday. and i still have it up saying "write me! write me" because i neglect to sign out and have this paragraph about the past week up.. so im finishing it ...finally. :)
mother's day was a week ago. we went to mom's and hung out. then we went bowling.
then last week was kind of a blur. on friday was jen's birthday. we had our choir concert practice after school then i went to prince caspian with a bunch of people. i really liked it. i liked how it was close to the book. we all hung out at andy's before the movie and then i came home and hung out with minte before i fell asleep. saturday it was 70-something out so i wore some shorts and minte and i went outside with the little kids. we took some pictures and put our feet in the water and just sat on the dock. it was really nice and relaxing. then minte isabel and i took the canoe out on the lake. it was pretty windy out..
we had our spring concert on saturday. it was interesting. i mean i was pretty psyched to go to the concert because we were doing songs from movies or t.v. shows. i really wanted to hear the band play the LOTR theme just because i had heard parts of it during 1st hour but i wanted to hear the whole thing. they did not do a bad job.
the choir sang fly me to the moon, some songs from choir tour and some other random songs. we didn't really get to sing any real special movie songs. well, we did sing hymn to the fallen and that was pretty neat. you could only hear the band though which really stunk but we had a fun time anyways. after all of our concerts we go and find a place with just the music people. we go and sing the doxology. it is one of the coolest things that our choir does. some people choose to sing harmony but most just sing the melody and even though some people are loud and some people are quiet...some are not the best and then there are those who you'd never imagine having those wonderful voices. we sing as our closing to ourselves. it's amazing. i can't explain it but anyways. we all gathered outside to sing the doxology and then of course mr. staub was "lost" so i went to go find him. in the time it took me to look for him, he was outside and they sang the doxology...without me. i was so mad. it was my favorite part of the concert. and then i told jenna and she was crying because it was her last concert. and she's my choir buddy. im going to miss not having her in choir next year. i dont know what ill do really. so that was saturday.
sunday we hung out. i worked and we went to church.
monday was school and work.
tuesday we started best of broadway. i was excited to start it but i can't believe that it's already been a year since last year's performance. im pretty ready for this year. so june is going to be crazy with work and best of broadway.
today i had work. the rest of the week i'm looking at more best of broadway. work. and work. and the possibility of kristin being up here for memorial day weekend. i need to study study study for exams next week. it's going to be insane because by the end of next week and graduation..i'm going to be a SENIOR! what?!?! ok. technically i won't be a senior till school starts again but whatever. close enough right?
anyways right now i really have to be studying my reviews and taking crap off my computer so i can get some new programs on it and stuff like that.
ill write more after this weekend.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
hey. so this past week has been pretty insane.
thursday we had the walkathon and walked 5 miles. then some people decided to tailgate outside. then we had some games and stuff going on at school. then we went to the girls' soccer game at CUW. it was pretty cool.
yesterday was insane. we had school till noon then isabel and i stayed at school to watch baby meredith!! she's soo cute. we both held her for a while and were very excited to see her. she slept the whole time. ;) we're just too good i guess. then the staub's took us home and mrs. staub saw the dresses. she loved them. and then she took a peek at zo. so we got home around 330 and jen got home around the same time. i ran around like an insane person calling people and grabbing things and throwing them in a duffle bag. then jen did my hair. and mr. pope drove me to meet erin at walgreen's to go to andy's. we drove to andy's got dressed and put makeup on. it was a struggle. she was laughing so hard that she kept almost poking herself in the eye with her eyeliner. she loved my dress!yay. :)
we took pictures with some other people. then we drove to the ball.
it was a fun night with lots of dancing, drama and friends. of course. erin and i went to andy's with the guys and ariel. we watched part of hitch and then came home.
kristin and i kinda played phone tag all day and into the night and early hours of the morning. by 3 when she called me. we think she just called to say that she'd talk to me tomorrow morning and night. but we're not sure cause i was sleeping and talking to her...and kristin was kristin. :P
ok here are some pics of the past week.traceys babies' shower, :) prom, etc..
thursday we had the walkathon and walked 5 miles. then some people decided to tailgate outside. then we had some games and stuff going on at school. then we went to the girls' soccer game at CUW. it was pretty cool.
yesterday was insane. we had school till noon then isabel and i stayed at school to watch baby meredith!! she's soo cute. we both held her for a while and were very excited to see her. she slept the whole time. ;) we're just too good i guess. then the staub's took us home and mrs. staub saw the dresses. she loved them. and then she took a peek at zo. so we got home around 330 and jen got home around the same time. i ran around like an insane person calling people and grabbing things and throwing them in a duffle bag. then jen did my hair. and mr. pope drove me to meet erin at walgreen's to go to andy's. we drove to andy's got dressed and put makeup on. it was a struggle. she was laughing so hard that she kept almost poking herself in the eye with her eyeliner. she loved my dress!yay. :)
we took pictures with some other people. then we drove to the ball.
it was a fun night with lots of dancing, drama and friends. of course. erin and i went to andy's with the guys and ariel. we watched part of hitch and then came home.
kristin and i kinda played phone tag all day and into the night and early hours of the morning. by 3 when she called me. we think she just called to say that she'd talk to me tomorrow morning and night. but we're not sure cause i was sleeping and talking to her...and kristin was kristin. :P
ok here are some pics of the past week.traceys babies' shower, :) prom, etc..
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
this week has gone by surprisingly fast. let's see monday i worked. tuesday i had school and then was at home with everyone. then today i went to school and came home. it's been pretty exciting as you can see. i'm overjoyed with the fantastic-ness of it all. :)
tomorrow we'll have like 20 minutes of class then we'll have the walk-a-thon. that should be pretty cool. we're going to walk around the school. then there are some volleyball tourneys and basketball ones too.
i'll probably then come home and hang out until lost. friday we'll have a half day of school. we'll have like 20 minutes of classes. then come home. hang out. get hair done by jen. :) then get make-up done. go to andy's with erin and get dressed. thennnn go to prom. we'll dance and dance and dance. then andy will take me and erin back to his house. some other people will come over. we'll hang out. it'll be a good time.
of course. anything could change within the next 2 im never sure what to expect. ;)
i guess i should probably eat dinner and do something like laundry.
sorry for the over-usage of "." they just pop in there.
oooh. im going to listen to this cd by this guy i know. he's pretty cool.
tomorrow we'll have like 20 minutes of class then we'll have the walk-a-thon. that should be pretty cool. we're going to walk around the school. then there are some volleyball tourneys and basketball ones too.
i'll probably then come home and hang out until lost. friday we'll have a half day of school. we'll have like 20 minutes of classes. then come home. hang out. get hair done by jen. :) then get make-up done. go to andy's with erin and get dressed. thennnn go to prom. we'll dance and dance and dance. then andy will take me and erin back to his house. some other people will come over. we'll hang out. it'll be a good time.
of course. anything could change within the next 2 im never sure what to expect. ;)
i guess i should probably eat dinner and do something like laundry.
sorry for the over-usage of "." they just pop in there.
oooh. im going to listen to this cd by this guy i know. he's pretty cool.
Monday, May 05, 2008
wow. lots has happened since my last post. as always. ;)
that following weekend kristin came up from chicago. isabel, tracey, kristin and i went to mayfair mall and went prom dress shopping. isabel and i both found dresses. we were really excited. then that whole weekend we just hung out. it was really relaxing but fun because we got to see kristin and hang out. last week was long. i ended up being mad at people for no reason. i tend to overreact. so this is what happened. josh told me that we were going to take pictures for his cd early last week. and i was really excited. but then it kept getting pushed off. i was so angry because in a way i just wanted to get them out of the way and i didn't want it to be cloudy or rainy in the pictures. i wanted it to be perfect. but each day was perfect and i kept getting the phone call that it wasn't happening. finally thursday was the SET date. i was ecstatic. i was worried. i was nervous. i was happy, hyper, calm, collected and all the opposites. at the same time. i didn't know what to think. what was I going to do. i was going to see josh and take pictures. something i always do. i was going to do what i love for him...i was going to do this so that it could be a part of something that HE loves doing. i knew where i wanted some pictures. but i was just going to click click click and he would do his thing. what if they didn't turn out? what if something went wrong? what if.... there were the endless worries. but that's what i do best most times. so josh showed up during 8th hour and we said hi. then after school we went into the music room and he started playing and i started taking pictures. ones with reflections, hands, keys, face and emotion. listening to him sing. made me happy. i sang along. after there we went to the railroad track and took them there. i got over 100 pictures for sure. we got home and put them on my computer. and LOW AND BEHOLD. what happened. they all were mini pictures in one. 16 pictures in 1 4x6 picture. it made me so mad. but i couldn't be mad. so i laughed. i LAUGHED. hard. and long. and whenever i thought about it. i laughed some more. how could i do something so dumb and not realize it. i told dad and we tried fixing it....but more pictures would jsut have to be taken because those were not going to blow up and look nice. no they would be blown up and look crappy and pixelated. haha. so our PLAN B was for me to take off of school and then we would take pictures. thursday night we went to the ascension service at church. it was something we all needed. zoe was struggling last week and we all needed to sing. so we did. we sang like 2 songs but it was nice. after that we hung out. friday came along and it was cloudy. i was like ok. it's ok. it won't turn out like yesterday but it will still..oh i dont know. i was kinda upset. the "perfect" weather was going to have to be cloudy, foggy and muggy out. when josh got over and we stepped out the door it started to rain. of course. so i laughed. and laughed. then plan C.. take some pictures in the backyard. we took about 100 more pictures in the backyard.. they ended up NICE , really nice. nicer than i expected. we went to walmart and went shopping and then took more pictures at the railroad tracks. these were 10x better than the ones on thursday. the weather helped. God knew what He was doing once again. of course. i mean how could i doubt HIM? i did. but He knew what he was doing. josh and i were in love with the pictures. i didn't know how to process it so i laughed. i felt like an insane person but it was laughing or crying. laughing was easier and not as messy. ;)
saturday jen and i went to tracey's baby shower. then people from dad's work came over. it was a really nice time. i finally told josh late saturday night what was going on. i told him that i was mad at him at the beginning of the week. and that i needed him to be my friend. i don't know if i just don't show that i need someone or what. but i told him. i felt better. hahah. i told him how proud i was of his cd. i listened to it for the first time on saturday. it was calm, relaxing, and josh. it reminded me of being
crazy insane with him and isabel and michael in summer. and i started to cry in the car. i missed it all. he's finally using his talents that God gave him. God gave me the opportunity to use mine with josh in away. i was able to take pictures for him and HIM.
yesterday aunt heidi and uncle phil came with the boys. deirdre, piera and temish came over for a while too. then i slept from 730 to 530. it was nice.
--he's using his talents.
ok here's a picture. one of my favorites. --->
here's a typical josh pic. :P (joshuA)--->
on that note. time for some sleep.
love you always.
that following weekend kristin came up from chicago. isabel, tracey, kristin and i went to mayfair mall and went prom dress shopping. isabel and i both found dresses. we were really excited. then that whole weekend we just hung out. it was really relaxing but fun because we got to see kristin and hang out. last week was long. i ended up being mad at people for no reason. i tend to overreact. so this is what happened. josh told me that we were going to take pictures for his cd early last week. and i was really excited. but then it kept getting pushed off. i was so angry because in a way i just wanted to get them out of the way and i didn't want it to be cloudy or rainy in the pictures. i wanted it to be perfect. but each day was perfect and i kept getting the phone call that it wasn't happening. finally thursday was the SET date. i was ecstatic. i was worried. i was nervous. i was happy, hyper, calm, collected and all the opposites. at the same time. i didn't know what to think. what was I going to do. i was going to see josh and take pictures. something i always do. i was going to do what i love for him...i was going to do this so that it could be a part of something that HE loves doing. i knew where i wanted some pictures. but i was just going to click click click and he would do his thing. what if they didn't turn out? what if something went wrong? what if.... there were the endless worries. but that's what i do best most times. so josh showed up during 8th hour and we said hi. then after school we went into the music room and he started playing and i started taking pictures. ones with reflections, hands, keys, face and emotion. listening to him sing. made me happy. i sang along. after there we went to the railroad track and took them there. i got over 100 pictures for sure. we got home and put them on my computer. and LOW AND BEHOLD. what happened. they all were mini pictures in one. 16 pictures in 1 4x6 picture. it made me so mad. but i couldn't be mad. so i laughed. i LAUGHED. hard. and long. and whenever i thought about it. i laughed some more. how could i do something so dumb and not realize it. i told dad and we tried fixing it....but more pictures would jsut have to be taken because those were not going to blow up and look nice. no they would be blown up and look crappy and pixelated. haha. so our PLAN B was for me to take off of school and then we would take pictures. thursday night we went to the ascension service at church. it was something we all needed. zoe was struggling last week and we all needed to sing. so we did. we sang like 2 songs but it was nice. after that we hung out. friday came along and it was cloudy. i was like ok. it's ok. it won't turn out like yesterday but it will still..oh i dont know. i was kinda upset. the "perfect" weather was going to have to be cloudy, foggy and muggy out. when josh got over and we stepped out the door it started to rain. of course. so i laughed. and laughed. then plan C.. take some pictures in the backyard. we took about 100 more pictures in the backyard.. they ended up NICE , really nice. nicer than i expected. we went to walmart and went shopping and then took more pictures at the railroad tracks. these were 10x better than the ones on thursday. the weather helped. God knew what He was doing once again. of course. i mean how could i doubt HIM? i did. but He knew what he was doing. josh and i were in love with the pictures. i didn't know how to process it so i laughed. i felt like an insane person but it was laughing or crying. laughing was easier and not as messy. ;)
saturday jen and i went to tracey's baby shower. then people from dad's work came over. it was a really nice time. i finally told josh late saturday night what was going on. i told him that i was mad at him at the beginning of the week. and that i needed him to be my friend. i don't know if i just don't show that i need someone or what. but i told him. i felt better. hahah. i told him how proud i was of his cd. i listened to it for the first time on saturday. it was calm, relaxing, and josh. it reminded me of being

yesterday aunt heidi and uncle phil came with the boys. deirdre, piera and temish came over for a while too. then i slept from 730 to 530. it was nice.
--he's using his talents.
ok here's a picture. one of my favorites. --->
here's a typical josh pic. :P (joshuA)--->
on that note. time for some sleep.
love you always.
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