Wednesday, July 04, 2007

yeah. tomorrow well technically today. is the fourth of july. i just love the fourth. its soo much fun. first of all you wake up. early. well not really but in the summer it's early and you get dressed for a parade. then you see everyone and get candy. and its just fun. then you walk to the park and listen to music and partay. all day long. then you wait till night annd you watch fireworks. how great is that. i mean. all for celebrating the freedom of our country. ok that was my smart comment thing of the night....well ok. maybe not. the whole title of my blog is really what sums it up though.

anyways. im really missing practices right now. well in a way. i miss the people. they were all really great. and nice..but the being tired from practice. not really missing that.
so something exciting to tell you. oh yes. sometimes i talk in my sleep. i dont know why tahts so important but i guess i do. and minte and isabel make fun of me because of it. so what. jsut becuase i have too much to say during the day that i have to say it during the night does not mean you should make fun of me. :-P haha. oh well.
that was a secret of mine. great secret right?
wahts another one. hmmmmmmm. oh. i really dont know what i want to do for the rest of my life. although right now i really really want to make a cd cover of some sort. like if isabel or josh made a cd then i would do the cover for it. you know how awesome that would be? so if you're looking into recording a cd and need a totally awesome cover let me knwo cause that would be really cool if i could fool around with it........
the other day. yesterday i guess i made a summer goals list. yeah. one of the goals is to take 1000 pictures over the whole summer. i guess taht wont be too hard considering i probably already have about 500 maybe. yeah. actually easily i have 500. but thats one of the goals. another one is to do soemthing really spontaneous. no not really i just made taht up cause i cant think of anything else that i had on the list. so yeah. im gonna go to sleep and listen to some great music from "Josh's Mixerooni" ....and probably read and fall asleep while listening to the great music. ttyl

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ teia
^that is sooooooooooo much funnnnnn. :-) haha

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