Sunday, February 06, 2011

most of the time when we talk, we forget how much it affects the person who is listening. how they will respond to it and how they will either forget the words spoken or take it and live by those words through the rest of your life. there are some words i remember and can't help but to think of now and more often than not. they are hurtful and heartbreaking. they were said years and years ago but when it comes down to it. they were meaningless at the time and were meant no harm. yet here i am, years and years later and when someone tries to compliment me on that one thing i can't help but just flat out disagree. part of that disagreeing is me not always knowing how to respond to compliments and the other part is those hurtful words creep into my mind, making me realize that i truly believe the words. words i know i shouldn't believe because they were said without thinking. words that someone who is not a part of my life anymore said those years ago.
i know most of the time i don't think about what i say. but when it's something that can possibly hurt someone i hold my thoughts back. i try. because i could never leave someone with haunting words like the words that have haunted me for so long.

so now i'm going to sing my heart out. whether or not i'm good. if people can hear me or not, i do not care because i'm made the way i am. and if music is the only outlet for me then i will continue to listen and Him.

thoughts for this day. :)

....oh and the Packers won SuperBowl XLV