so much is going on these next few weeks. it will fly by.
well for the month of april some things got kind of crazy also. we've had musical practice till 5 basically every day. then a group of us went to a play at WLC and that was fun. i was able to eat a cinnabon...which i haven't had in YEARS. then erin and i split chinese food. :) yum.
it was a good night.
then spring break we went to florida. it was such a great time.
i was able to get some great photos that i will put into an album for everyone instead of putting them all on here individually.but the one above is one i absolutely LOVE!
one of my friends is buying a huge copy from me once i figure out how to print it. if you'd like a copy..comment and then email me. i have some other versions of this one too.
so in florida basically all i did was lay out by the pool and on the beach. sounds boring but i dont remember the last time i was able to do that. it was so glorious because i was able to take in the warmth and sun for an entire week.
we were able to borrow the klahn's van. it was so nice. and then all of us piled in. we went to the beach and pool every day.
last wednesday after watching LOST i was talking to one of my friend's online. i knew that her mom had been struggling with her health (she had cancer) the past few weeks. so i asked about her mom and how things were going. the girl told me that her mom had died the night before. i was shocked. i didnt know what to do or how to respond. i was so upset. i could not imagine losing a parent as a senior in high school and within the last month of school. so we talked a little more. and she kept telling me that she knew her mom was in a better place and wasn't hurting anymore. all i could respond with was ,'wow, you are so strong!' i didn't know what to say. within one day of her mom dying she was talking to me and telling me that she was alright and knew that things were going to be ok. wow. amazing. what an awesome girl. God is really working on her. i just know it.
i told dad and everyone else and right as it was coming out i just started bawling. i didnt know it just couldn't stop. i said her mom died. and i lost it. one of my friend's mom had died. i was shocked. after taking some breaths i was able to go down to the pool late at night and go for a swim. the air was cold but the water was so warm and it felt nice to just be able to close my eyes and swim back and forth. it was night and quiet outside. lights were shining from each cottage and i just had to take a step back from everything.
erin and i were away from each other for a week whihc hasn't happened in almost over a year. we're always together and talking. so we had the chance to talk online for a few days and then i talked to my friend aaron too. it's awesome having to friends erin and aaron. and then have an aunt erin and uncle aaron. how confusing. :) i guess i must like the name. ;)
oh well we were able to talk and stay close even though we were over 1000 miles apart.
then as a family we went to fudpucker's. i love that place. it's so good.
the last day i was able to see paul and sam, who i work with and one of their friends, laura. they were staying next door to us...well pretty much! it was so awesome. so we went in the ocean and talked for a bit.
on last friday we drove home. it took us 18.5 hours to get home..with a 2 hour stop. that's really great time.
this past week we've had practice till 6 and then we get home...and do homework and chores. its a great time..
this coming week is tech week. im so scared for what is going to happen with that.
next weekend is the musical. the weekend after that is the walkathon and fun day.
the weekend after that is prom. the week after that is just a regular week and then we have exams.
i'm graduating!
ok. kellen and i are talking and people in my class hate me for some's really weird.
im going to go. read. bed. finish talking to erin.
comewhat may.