hey guys. sorry. ok. so. this week has been filled with every kind of emotion you can imagine.and man alive im being bombarded by talking to guys right now. i mean im like ahhhh. i cant see who im talking too. :-)
anyways. ok so on saturday. we went to libby's the restaurant where brad works. and i think we went swimming. i really dont remember.
then on sunday was mason's baptism. we went to church and saw a ton of people we haven't seen in forever. and we talked . and mason's little thing was cute. then we had brunch at brad's parents house. i took cheesecake with this raspberry sauce on top. yummmmmmmmm. it was good. then mom, isabel and i sat in the gazebo. and it was POURING raining. it was awesome. then ...we hung out at the house.
later that night i was laying there reading htis book ...being bored. and then i hear this slamming pounding on mom's door. and isabel's yelling "MOM! OPEN THE DOOR! MOM! I CAN"T GET IN YOUR ROOM! I GOTTA TELL YOU SOMETHING! SELAH HAD A SEIZURE AND I HAVE TO GO OVER TO DAD"S!" i got up and i looked at the clock ...grabbed my purse and im like i'm going to...so we slammed the door shut and ran.......we ran fast. first of alll cause we were scared out of our pants of what happened and secondly cause it was like 11 and past curfew...so we ran there ....and walkedin and deirdre, temish, brennick, elise, ethan, aidan and jen and dad were all walking around or sitting in the living room. elise ran right into isabel's arms. so dad and i went to the hospital. i didnt know what to expect or anything. i mean it's not everyday you get a call --or in my case hear my sister yelling--that your other sister had a seizure. anyways. we went to the hospital and we went into the room and poor baby selah. shes laying on the bed and really tired..just out of it. the whole like first hour i just wanted to cry...the poor girlie. then dad and kc and i were just talking to her and each other and just talking about random things. i dont know. i guess they didnt really matter and most of the things i dont even remember now but. at the time. anything to get our minds off of the little girl in the bed really did help. anyways. selah ended up going home that night...or more like early monday morning. and they didnt seem to find anything wrong. right now they just think it was a one time thing and that it might never happen again . but they wont know unless it would ever happen again. so selah went home and thank God that everything is ok. she went home and was biking and now is just acting normal.
elise is too. elise was right there when the whole thing happened. and poor baby. she didnt know what was going on obviously. and could you imagine? being 5 years old and seeing your sister on the bed foaming at the mouth and not really responding to your "tap tap taps" and calling her name? how scarY ? i dont think i'd be able to handle it now and im 11 years older than her. so that was sunday. then i went home after that and had a really heart wrenching cry. i know you all want to know taht but im just lettin you know how my week went. so yeah . the cry. i didnt even really feel like crying. like i was ok and it was just pouring out. by that time i knew that selah was ok ...i guess it was just cause it was building up and it had to come out. but yeha. so then i slept. great way to end the day right?
ok then i on monday. i slept for a long time. and then i woke up . went to dad's and hung out for a while. and then i found out my grandpa was in the hospital. he wasn't feeling good so they went in and right away he was admitted.
then uncle dreas, jill and adler came and said hi. it was really nice. then isabel and i went to panny's little ping pong party. it was a blast. let's see. aly, aaron, michael, isabel, me, casey, noah ,megan and craig were all there. we had a little ping pong tourney --the rev./shirley won 1st against nutmeg. casmir and te-te played for 3rd andyeah. i lost. :-( -- we had that ..and ate dinner and then talked. some people played darts. but i suck. so i didnt. then we went out to the bonfire and listened to some great music. :-) but it wasnt as great as the stuff in the basement. oh yeah. there was "karaoke" haha. not really but everyone was singing to the songs. that was FUN. so we tried eating marshmallows. :-) ...they were kinda all stuck together. haha. so we tried. then. hm. we just talked.it was fun. it might sound boring just reading about it. but if you were one of the people there i guess you could be reminiscing on the night and laugh at yourself because of something stupid you did. :- )
then piera picked me up and we went home and slept.
Don't i end all my days great? im like and then i slept. or and then we slept.
anywho.. tuesday. hm. man i cant believe taht was only yesterday. it feels like im in a time machine or soemthign and this all happened months ago. anyways. noah came over for a while and we all went to the park and then brennick and i went and got an application for a job. then mint and i went to the park and watched isabel and cnono play bball. it was great. then we talked and crap liek that. so then we ate din-din. YUM. dad made pizza. it was selah, elise, ethan, aidan, kellen, isabel, me, josh and noah all eating. YUM it was good. and funny too cause we had our entertainer --ethan and josh-- ..then i took some cute pics of josh and the kiddies. and talked to sarah on the phone-ular. haha. hm. what else. josh, isabel, mint and i talked in our room for a while. and it was quite fun. i was gonna tell josh about my exciting life but then he bailed on me cause erin called and was like "OMG! GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?" and then i had to respond "OMG! WHAT? WHO LIkeS WHO NOW?" josh started laughing and siad "ok girl talk. im leaving. " but he just went downstairs and watched the rest of space jam.
today. erin came over. we hugn out and it was fun. wow. today was a really long day. we hung out and had lunch and then went canoeing. yay. it was fun. and i had an interview at out and out todya. it was fun. um. what else. we had great picture taking time. and it wasfun but my brain really is tired. and erin i really did have a fun time. i just my fingers hurt too much. :-) haha.
ok guys. im pooped. ill talk to you all later. have fun. doing whatever you'redoing.
noah- dont' get too close to any parks ok?
erin-dont be bored...come to my house.. ;-)
beth- um..........call me. we gotta hang out. or just show up at my house.
whover else reads this. have a great summer. and just have a wonderous time. :-)
email me if you're bored...cause most likely i will be too. :-)