ok..so heere's kendra...and part of schut...on choir tour...um this was in missouri..schuttles is the one with the blue hat...and yeah..i love kendra.. ;-) so yeah..i'll write more later
edit:....this is my edit.. woo hoo...
so um...exams were ...exams..fine...ya know..i did good..i suppose...then choir sang at the graduation...::tear:: my seniors are no longer seniors.. ::more tears:: i'm sooo sad..i'll miss them all soo much...i love you all...i highly doubt anyone's reading this....but if they are..then i'll miss you all sooooooooo much...hm.....soo..then i've been sitting around for the last few weeks..i guess i'm not babysitting this summer..soo i'll get a job somewhere..im not sure where yet though...umm...so here's some more pictures..

here they are....
i didnt do much with this one..just lightened it..and cropped it..

this is from florida...ijust made this one black and white..so thats taht one of ethan :

this is isabel..i softened it..to make it look cool..the cross isn't softened...

sarah, erin and me...erin my bestest friend in the WORLD!
sarah...my bestest friend in the WORLD! i love these girls.... ;-)

so that's about it...um..i'll update it later..