that's right's homecoming week....good old homecoming week...
monday- was PAJAMA day..awesome stuff.....people brought blankets and all that stuff...a lot of people wore slippers...i just wore a sweatshirt and some comfy was SWEET
fun night was monday too the gym was open and we could play around in there...and a movie was playing in the cafeteria
tuesday- was MOVIE DAY....dress
**********when i started this it was homecoming week.....soooooo this is the last of it..before i get stopped...***************
dress up as a character from Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, star wars, wizard of oz and harry potter....... i was be from star wars....padme...but it didn't really work out..
wednesday. ~ color day...dress in a color
juniors -green
seniors- blue
thursday was hat and jeans day....wear a favorite hat and jeans...because we can't wear blue jeans to school usually...
friday was school spirit day and we had alll the classes shortened because of a pep rally that was at the end of the day...there was a food eating contest and tug of war contests....
then it was the BIG GAME....we won 65 to 6....woo hooo then after that there was a bon was pretty fun....
saturday..was the homecoming dance..that was pretty cool...i had my hair alll cool and jen did it...i wore the dress i wore to dad and jen's wedding.... so i should go finish algebra now...ttyl...teia
Monday, October 17, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
new month new entry.. haha...
sorry i haven't been on as much as i megan and i put it...all we do now is sleep, go to school, volleyball practice, eat and sleep.....over and over...every that's been the past few weeks basically....uh...yeah...homecoming is coming up and i'll probably just hang out ....without a date..beth isn't going to be there so i was going to hang out with erin but she said that she was going to ask a guy who went to gradeschool with her..
keaton and i are talking's pretty fun considering he's in michigan and i'm here being bored or yeah...
it's october...i LOVE's probably my favorite month...! it's just so stinkin pretty....
gotta go.
keaton and i are talking's pretty fun considering he's in michigan and i'm here being bored or yeah...
it's october...i LOVE's probably my favorite month...! it's just so stinkin pretty....
gotta go.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
wow... post are really boring i know..and yeha...well i haven't been on the computer really at the end of the second week was awesome...katie is SOO yesterday i went to volleyball practice then i went to the football game outside right after stuff...but the game got cancelled cause the refs -officials- never showed up...that was pretty cool... haha..ok not i was walking around with beth and stuff. ;-) well we talked to nick's mom and she invited us we went over there for a while...and did stuff..i played the piano for them..then i had fresh veggies..after taht she took us back to school for a dance..that was from 7-1030...oh it was sooooooo awesome...i was dancing with beth and erin for awhile then i was dancing with katie...she is soo funny..we were dancing the whole was so fun. we did the electric slide..and the chacha slide..ok so our choir director is married to the chemistry teacher and they were chaperoning the dance...when a slow song came up they would start was so cute...beth and steve danced together...and so did marshall and katie..i walked up to piera and kevin and was talking to them...piera asked 'where's your date?' 'i don't have one' then thomas walked up - he's a senior..-'is tom your date?' i looked at her like you've got to be kidding yeah....that was pretty much my yeah...i gotta go...talkt o you later..teia
Monday, September 05, 2005
boring weekend
as it says above it was a boring weekend..except that i went to my aunts last night...that was fun...talked to drew....and cale...jumped on the trampoline there...yeah....a 140 lb. kid and me on a trampoline is REALLLLLY FUN! ahh....drew was jumping and i was sitting there yeah...he was jumping so much that by the time we were highest i was almost standing when i was sitting....which doesn't make much sense but it kinda yeah...ook.....uh what else...i dont know....ok..i really gotta finish up the homework..oh sister broke her my mom and her were at the hospital last night...
fun stuff.. ;-)
fun stuff.. ;-)
Thursday, September 01, 2005
im is soo crazy.....yeah....i haven't been on YIM or AIM at all lately...but yeah...let's see..oh yeha...volleyball is forever....ahh....3-5 every day....and ugh..i'll write this ya....ttyl...teia
Friday, August 26, 2005
today... :'(
today... ::sniff:: is the last ::sniff:: day of SUMMER VACATION...WAHHH! :'( i babysat this morning and then i had volleyball....tomorrow is a tournament for volleyball at KML...which is pretty yeah..ok well i really dont feel like typing right now... bye
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I AM HAPPY AND HYPER>>>>>>>HAPPY HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALLELUIA on tuesday -chuesday- ;-) (that's in uh....laws of attraction...good movie with julianne moore and pierce brosnan)....anywho..on tuesday we had a volleyball game and we lost BAD....real BAD! what happened before the game was hilarious..this new girl erin and i were talking and we've become pretty good friends...we were talking and laughing this whole practice time..then this girl i know from FIL;megan told us 'if i put you guys in a room and strapped you to a bomb you would still be laughing..' and we burst out was pretty funny..then we kept shoving each other...yeah..i almost fell over... then...on wednesday...was ok..i babysat in the morning and then went to practice at 2....then i came back home and uh...we made ice cream sundaes..they were REALLY good...yum...then there was youth group and we did a scavenger hunt...and we were walking up and down main street so many times this one guy asked us if we were lost... :-D ...then...we hm...oh ...well i babysat in the morning and went to practice around 2..then i came back..and im here now...really hungry..ready for food..and tomorrow will be the last time i babysit on a regular basis for a time.. :'( so yeah..that makes me sad..but it'll give us a break from each other.. ;-) ok then...well what did we do...oh yes...i have volleyball practice from 3-5, monday to friday..AH...which means i'll be at school more then i'm gonna be at home! so yes...uh...i'm pooped..there is this open house thing tonight for FIL and even though i don't have to go..i'm going..because..i can.! ;-) and well the family is yeah..i figured what will i do at home by myself??? i dont to you all later.....
oh and today erin and i were fooling around...and that was funny...we were doing this thing where we would set in a circle....and a person would be in the middle..well she was in the middle and when she passed it she would call our names..then she got sick of that so she called us, 1,2,3,4...finally when i would pass it back i would yell a random number or time i said 242 and she said hut,hut, hike! ...we were all laughing and she realized it was blue 42 set hike....yeah..that and well i said superman and she was like ok...i told her you're supposed to say bird, plane, SUPERMAN! ahhh..ok im done
oh and today erin and i were fooling around...and that was funny...we were doing this thing where we would set in a circle....and a person would be in the middle..well she was in the middle and when she passed it she would call our names..then she got sick of that so she called us, 1,2,3,4...finally when i would pass it back i would yell a random number or time i said 242 and she said hut,hut, hike! ...we were all laughing and she realized it was blue 42 set hike....yeah..that and well i said superman and she was like ok...i told her you're supposed to say bird, plane, SUPERMAN! ahhh..ok im done
Monday, August 22, 2005
hey...ok sorry for the late update..been busy busy busy...on friday keaton had a party at my dad's and so i went to that...he left.. :-( so sad....WAH! well he's in michigan right now...and yeah...uh...this past weekend grandparents were in town cause my grandpas' brother died on they came up...uh..then we just did stuff alll weekend...yesterday beth came over and we had tons of fun..we watched the pacifier...and went to papa murphy's and shopko...then we rode our bikes back to her was dark outside..and all of a sudden this guy started talking in the shadows of a porch! it was freaky...he was tlaking on the phone or i helped isabel dye her hair BRIGHT's bright alright..ok well i gotta to dad's then go to volleyball practice...woohoo...first game is tomorrow..and my team..the freshman team only has 6 games! not that many at all! to you all later.... ;-) bye...
btw: ill write about devil's lake later...went there tuesday into wednesday! YAY part.... 9:19
well..we went shopping was fun..i got pants for school..and shoes too...they are awesome shoes...well..ok so devil's lake..
we went to madison on tuesday night then we did stuff with our cousins...we were up till 1ish...then we woke up on wednesday morning and went to devil's was really fun..we climbed the bluff...took pictures at the top then went down the was pretty fun..we waded in the water at the lake...and ate was a fun time..i played allana in air hockey the night was really fun...ok so probably gonna go read in a few minutes... ;-) talk to you all later....lyl...
btw: ill write about devil's lake later...went there tuesday into wednesday! YAY part.... 9:19
well..we went shopping was fun..i got pants for school..and shoes too...they are awesome shoes...well..ok so devil's lake..
we went to madison on tuesday night then we did stuff with our cousins...we were up till 1ish...then we woke up on wednesday morning and went to devil's was really fun..we climbed the bluff...took pictures at the top then went down the was pretty fun..we waded in the water at the lake...and ate was a fun time..i played allana in air hockey the night was really fun...ok so probably gonna go read in a few minutes... ;-) talk to you all later....lyl...
Monday, August 15, 2005
busy busy busy...ahhh! yesterday..i went to my aunt's after church..we worked on the purse thingy...that i'm not supposed to say for who.. ;-) then after that we then went home..ate dinner..then went to target...and starbuck's..YES! i love starbuck's! then went swimming at the baymont stuff..they had a hottub.. ;-)... then today i had volleyball..that went pretty was very tiring..tonight im going to the chat..then reading and that order..eating fits in somewhere..;-)..let's see..i think that's it.. i'll talk to you all later.. ;-)
Sunday, August 14, 2005
so..this is a good weekend...i did lots..i went to practice volleyball..then this morning the ball got popped by the van..uh..last night i saw harris and his family that was fun..i started another purse bag thing..and i think that's about it..ok..tlak to you ltaer teia
Thursday, August 11, 2005
so...yeah..i dont have to babysit today! AMAZING! but i go to the doctor soon..and ..uh then i might have beth over..i'll have to would be fun to have bethany come over..but yeah... ;-) ok...ttyl..bye |
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
im so happy
ok well lets' see..yesterday i woke up and got ready for babysitting and sat on the front porch for a half hour and was so was nice outside and just felt really good..then piera came and helped me watch the kids at the park..after that i ended up going over to deirdre's house..i was only gonna stay for awhile because i was gonna do something with beth and because deirdre was having company over..but it ended up that beth and i had to cancel and so i just stayed at deirdre's..well it just so happened that the Wells from MH came over..they are SOO incredibly nice and sweet..Mrs. Wells has 5 kids, Garrett-16, Harris-14, Naomi-10 or 11..i can't remember, Meredith-9 and Sophia was almost 2. We ate lunch..then omgosh..i just remembered this but keaton was copying me while we were sitting on the back of the couch..then i got pushed backwards...onto the seat part of the couch..and sam and temish were sitting there...well garrett, brennick and harris were also on the other couch..keaton got up but sam and temish sat on me so i was laying upside-down there...and minte 'tried' helping me up but she pushed me off the couch and i landed on top of keaton...and my knees were touching my nose..and it was really uncomfortable..but i got out of it..ok then we went swimming..and that was fun...piera and i watched sam and temish while the girls and boys kinda went and grouped off..we had a sand volleyball game...but that didn't work out at all... ;-) haha...well the guys decided to replay EVERYTHING...and garrett and harris were totally ripping on brennick..cause brennick thought that piera and i needed some help and the guys said well if you go on their team it will still be girls against guys...'s see..then the pool closed and we went to the playground next door...and played lava tag..then we went back..and piera and i were laying on her bed tlaking and i said..i have a confession to make..'i think they're really really nice..and i like them...' then she like garrett dont you...i no no..what are you tlaking about..but bethany..she doesn't know! neither does dont' tell him...! ;-)
haha...ok im done..i think, gonna go read or something..ttyl..lyl..teia
Sunday, August 07, 2005
fun stuff..
so last night i talked to Ethan and that was pretty fun..we talked about books and stuff and it was awesome..he recommended some books and i reserved them at the yeah...uh i have a pretty funny part from the conversation where i got my new title..just dont' take it personally.. ;-)
Tjbathaus: from alias's first season.. Sydney: Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it.
Tjbathaus: actually the pilot episode
DarkSongofErin: hey....
DarkSongofErin: what are you saying?
DarkSongofErin: *depressed*
Tjbathaus: hey..i didn't mean it..but if you saw the show it was funny
Tjbathaus: i meant it to be funny..
DarkSongofErin: yeah
DarkSongofErin: it is
i love gonna go talk to bethany now...ttyl...lyl..teia.. ;-)
and i talked to bethany like 5 times and our awesome conversations.. ;-)
Tjbathaus: from alias's first season.. Sydney: Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it.
Tjbathaus: actually the pilot episode
DarkSongofErin: hey....
DarkSongofErin: what are you saying?
DarkSongofErin: *depressed*
Tjbathaus: hey..i didn't mean it..but if you saw the show it was funny
Tjbathaus: i meant it to be funny..
DarkSongofErin: yeah
DarkSongofErin: it is
i love gonna go talk to bethany now...ttyl...lyl..teia.. ;-)
and i talked to bethany like 5 times and our awesome conversations.. ;-)
Thursday, August 04, 2005
weirder and weirder shocker of all shockers...i BABYSAT i know..weird huh? then last night there was a really bad storm...but it wasn't raining real hard but it was just windy and i woke up at 4 30 this morning and it was pretty looked like the trees were about to blow over..ok so maybe not...but it was really bad...then i had an even weirder dream and aaron nemoyer was in it...and that's weird considering i was just thinking about him..and how i haven't tlaked to him in yeah..uh what else..oh dad and jen are going to look at a i give a crap because it has '6 bedrooms, 5 separate entries...blahblahblah...' i dont wanna move...i love this house and i'm gonna start school soon and i dont wanna be in grafton when i could be here...closer to all my friends...stupid....i hate it....its STUPID>..STUPID STUPID ...ok ok ok..ill stop..but i really dont want to move...jen said soemthing about that if we move there that then she can use one of the rooms as a studio and something..which is cool..but i dont wanna move..i love this many houses are close to downtown...a block away from their mom's house...few blocks to the friends and cousins houses..and you can walk to school...hear the waterfall....from the creek...smell the coffee roastery...hear the church bells that ring NEXT your house..have a park in your the fire trucks go close to EVERYTHING YOU NEED! how many houses are like that huh???? ok..i think im done...although i do want to scream right now...ugh...i hate it...but yeah...thta dream last night was pretty funny..and weird..ok done with the randomness..i might go swim...or practice volleyball....or do something..but i may not have to babysit tomorrow...ALLELUIA!!!!!!!!! woohoo..........ok im done..ttyl..lyl.teia |
Monday, August 01, 2005
new month! ahh!
hey everyone...i guess that means bethany...haha....well anyways i went to Illinois on saturday that was ok...i saw my aunt tari and her husband,aaron, and kids, cooper and mckenna...on sunday...i hung out with piera and we went to this local ceramic shop thing where you paint stuff then they glaze it for you and then we watched a really gay was i woke up late....guess ill have to start waking up earlier...but yeah..uh school starts this month already! wow! and keaton is leaving on the 21st for hillsdale in MI..which totally sucks..i wonder when josh leaves..isabel and i keep talking about how we really need to go get malts...because last year we made a promise kinda thing where we would go to get malts before tracey's wedding-tracey is jen and josh's sister...and josh is jen's brother..well duh..but bethany doesn't know that so..- ok well i was really mad earlier this year or late last year because i wrote IN DETAIL what all happened at the wedding and before and was soo beautiful in door county..but then that was when i had open diary...and then that crashed and lost ALLLL of my summer entries...made me sooooooooo ticked off i mean..i had some relaly good stuff in there and i emailed the head of the thing and they told me sommething like they tried to get all of it back or that 's when i switched to xanga...gosh...i had some relaly good stuff in there..i wrote about how i saw my first shooting star up at the wedding and during the reception it was dark so we -josh, isabel , kellen and i- went on this dock..and there were benches on the dock so we laid on the benches and looked at the stars it was could see all these stars that you wouldn't even know existed and then you heard the waves crashing against the shore line...and i saw my first shooting was awesome..we all danced then all night feet hurt SO bad..that was when dad made tracey and jaime's wedding was really'll be a year on the 21st of august..which is this month year has FLOWN by..ok im done ranting and yeah..hey i gave this girl advice about boyfriends..haha..i dont know a stinking thing aobut having a boyfriend..or even how to ask them if they're cheating on you! but i gave her advice about asking her boyfriend if he's cheating on was weird...and she said she'll probably use the advice i gave huh? ok im gonna to you later...lyl..teia
Friday, July 29, 2005
these past few days
so i've babysat and babysat some more........ ;-) babysitting tonight..and yeah..then im going to go to illinois yeah..i better go...boring i know but im tired..and ystalk to you later...teia
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
went to the dentist today and then marcos left.. ::tear:: welll ill put a pic of him up...although it won't be too good..and yeah..oh yesterday i went to the brewer's game..that was fun...i saw mipps, and rob...i think it's rob..yes it is...they both went to high school with yeah..uh ill be back later...ttyl..teia
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I REMEMBER!! i kinda remember last week..i must've been brainwashed or something...maybe not...or just in a REALLY deep on friday my mom says that for most of the night i read which sounds pretty right...i was reading this book called New York...pretty had four stories but they were really long..on thursday i had a friend sleep over...and that was pretty fun..we watched finding neverland...and i had a blonde moment...or two...what happened was we were REALLY bored so i decided to play with the PS2 and we plugged it in and it didn't my mom got home and i figured out right away what was wrong..the back plug wasn't plugged in with the PS2! haha...then we didn't do that much..except she did find out that my aunt was formerly engaged with one of the previous spanish teachers' husband about whole decade and a half yeah...uh..then we got up and i had to babysit right away..which was dumb..but i get paid pretty good money... and the kids are pretty cute too..and good...not like my former job..with the horror my sister calls yeah..right now im bored and im happy i dont have to babysit today..but i am going to a brewers game.. yeah..the last time we went matthew west was there and we talked to him for a few minutes..which was awesome....he's an awesome wearing the shirt i bought at one of his concerts that says this is my happy shirt across the top..then underneath in a sticker looking thing it says matthew yeah..he signed it on the back with to teia- be happy...matthew west... isabel has a shirt that says i'm a classic case of dyfunction...haha...sounds like gonna go to dad's pretty soon and see the boys and talk to you alll later....lyl...teia
edit:: 3:34-pm that is....SHUT UP, JONES!
so i talked to my brother..the MH one..and there was something really freaky in that conversation..very very yeah..uh i was gonna say somethign aobut something..but i can't remember...ugh..oh yes...i checked my email today and i got something back from dee henderson..! i was soo happy although it's probably just a format she uses for everone else and they just put my name in or something but yeah..i was SOOOOOOO yeah..actually now it's 4...i was looking at something but yeah..ttyl
edit:: 3:34-pm that is....SHUT UP, JONES!
so i talked to my brother..the MH one..and there was something really freaky in that conversation..very very yeah..uh i was gonna say somethign aobut something..but i can't remember...ugh..oh yes...i checked my email today and i got something back from dee henderson..! i was soo happy although it's probably just a format she uses for everone else and they just put my name in or something but yeah..i was SOOOOOOO yeah..actually now it's 4...i was looking at something but yeah..ttyl
Sunday, July 24, 2005
everything.for the past few days
ya know...for the past few days i've been in lala-land...and yeah...there have been times when i feel awesome and then i feel horrible with some stomachaches..but i've wathced some really cool movies...and it's been all good..i dont know what to write about beause right now i can't remember a lot...i must be really yeah..ok ill tlak to you later...lyl...teia
Well it was raining when I woke up this morning
So, to escape it I went back to bed
But then the rain started leaking through the ceiling
And pretty soon it was pouring on my head
Sometimes it follows you home
Like an old stray dog, it won't leave you alone
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day depending on grace
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day, don't sleep it all away
So I jumped into my car and hit the freeway
Found a sunny spot so I could work on my tan
But just as soon as I stepped one foot in the ocean
From out of nowhere it came pouring down again
Sometimes it rains all over your parade
It's like you're reaching for the sun, and you're landing in the shade
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day depending on grace
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day, don't sleep it all away
Well, the moral of the story is
Sometimes life takes so much more than it gives
But the one who makes the air I breathe
Is the one who'll fix the ceiling when it starts to leak
It may look like the end but it's only the beginning
It's not the end of the world
It's just another day depending on grace
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day, don't sleep it all away
Cause It's not the end
It's not the end of the world
It's just another day
It's not the end
It's not the end of the world,
No, it's not the end
It's not the end
Still not the end
It's not the end
I bet you're wondering when this song's gonna end
But it's not the end
Cause I'm singing this song and I get to decide when it's the end
And it's not the end
Well it's almost the end
I guess you could say it's nearing the end
But it's not the end
It's not the end
It's not the end
It's almost the end
Ok I think it's the end
Well it was raining when I woke up this morning
So, to escape it I went back to bed
But then the rain started leaking through the ceiling
And pretty soon it was pouring on my head
Sometimes it follows you home
Like an old stray dog, it won't leave you alone
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day depending on grace
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day, don't sleep it all away
So I jumped into my car and hit the freeway
Found a sunny spot so I could work on my tan
But just as soon as I stepped one foot in the ocean
From out of nowhere it came pouring down again
Sometimes it rains all over your parade
It's like you're reaching for the sun, and you're landing in the shade
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day depending on grace
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day, don't sleep it all away
Well, the moral of the story is
Sometimes life takes so much more than it gives
But the one who makes the air I breathe
Is the one who'll fix the ceiling when it starts to leak
It may look like the end but it's only the beginning
It's not the end of the world
It's just another day depending on grace
It's not the end
The end of the world
It's just another day, don't sleep it all away
Cause It's not the end
It's not the end of the world
It's just another day
It's not the end
It's not the end of the world,
No, it's not the end
It's not the end
Still not the end
It's not the end
I bet you're wondering when this song's gonna end
But it's not the end
Cause I'm singing this song and I get to decide when it's the end
And it's not the end
Well it's almost the end
I guess you could say it's nearing the end
But it's not the end
It's not the end
It's not the end
It's almost the end
Ok I think it's the end
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
because... a loser im copying platypuss and doing my own quizzes that i copied off of her... ;-)

You're Skittles!!! You have a very interesting
personality, you're so unique. You're the kind
of person who always thinks outside of the box.
You're also a very accepting individual, and
believe in inner beauty.
Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
i can go with that ---^ ;-)
that sounds great too.. :-)

You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
sounds good to me..
ok i babysat today....nothing real yeah..ill talk toy you all later....lyl...teia
im watching anastasia...i LOVE THIS MOVIE>>>>>>>>> it's AWESOME ...ok..gonna go talk to beth...not bethany.. ;-)

You're Skittles!!! You have a very interesting
personality, you're so unique. You're the kind
of person who always thinks outside of the box.
You're also a very accepting individual, and
believe in inner beauty.
Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
i can go with that ---^ ;-)
TEIA | ||
T | is for | Talented |
E | is for | Easy |
I | is for | Irresistible |
A | is for | Ambitious |
that sounds great too.. :-)
Your Linguistic Profile: |
75% General American English |
15% Yankee |
10% Upper Midwestern |
0% Dixie |
0% Midwestern |
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

You're a Spring. You usually are very close-knit
with your friends and value everyone freidnship
you have. You're a real people person and
everyone loves how friendly you are. You're
good with encouraging people but usually don't
like to be the center of attention. You are a
social butterfly and probably are in several
circles of friends but it's just because you're
well liked and you make people comfortable.
You're both fun and wise but you are very
realistic about life.(If you can't see tje
pics, go to my homepage and look near the
bottom and find your result)
What season are you? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
You Are a Beagle Puppy |
![]() |
What Breed of Puppy Are You?
sounds good to me..
ok i babysat today....nothing real yeah..ill talk toy you all later....lyl...teia
im watching anastasia...i LOVE THIS MOVIE>>>>>>>>> it's AWESOME ...ok..gonna go talk to beth...not bethany.. ;-)
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
yesterday isabel did come swimming with us..and then i pigged out and had a TON of doritos at yeah..uh...i talked to platypuss and dee yesterday at the chat...i was so happy...then i babysat this morning and i was so im home..and probably going to read hp for awhile..i really wanna write something but i have nothing to write about...although i may revise one of my stories from a few years ago...and to you all later......................
edit:-----------> 8:55ish
"pm, that is."
"shut up, jones!"
ok so bethany/platypuss...says that i have to talk about crazy gooses...well first of all..i know many. second of all the harry potter book is really good......third of all i have crazzy sisters who are trying to ride on a mega block buzz lightyear ship thing...fourth of all my sister has 7 pages left in the new hp's really good by the way...5th of all...i had REALLY good fish tonight..6 of all uh crazy gooses are wonderful people. 7th of all although they are crazy they are sometimes nice..8th of all..i really like the new hp book...9 of tired but i still like crazy gooses...10th of all emily is a really good writer...from mh that is..i love the story she wrote...although i read like 2 paragraphs...sorry.. 11th of all i love the play piera wrote.. 12th of tired and full and i really wanna go read. 13th of all uh crazy gooses are fun and funny and awesome...and and and and ok..ill talk more later...tlak to you all later
edit:-----------> 8:55ish
"pm, that is."
"shut up, jones!"
ok so bethany/platypuss...says that i have to talk about crazy gooses...well first of all..i know many. second of all the harry potter book is really good......third of all i have crazzy sisters who are trying to ride on a mega block buzz lightyear ship thing...fourth of all my sister has 7 pages left in the new hp's really good by the way...5th of all...i had REALLY good fish tonight..6 of all uh crazy gooses are wonderful people. 7th of all although they are crazy they are sometimes nice..8th of all..i really like the new hp book...9 of tired but i still like crazy gooses...10th of all emily is a really good writer...from mh that is..i love the story she wrote...although i read like 2 paragraphs...sorry.. 11th of all i love the play piera wrote.. 12th of tired and full and i really wanna go read. 13th of all uh crazy gooses are fun and funny and awesome...and and and and ok..ill talk more later...tlak to you all later
Monday, July 18, 2005
stuff and more random things the years go by...funny stuff........ok...well the weeks are going by SOOO fast. and yeah..uh....i've been watching Minnesota Cuke and the Matrix this past weekend...i love the was really bored..i'll probably go to the pool with minte today...cause we're bored and isabel is babysitting and then going to a gonna go read HP 6... ;-) have a good day! ;-)
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Genesis and the New HP
so..last night my dad and i went to wal-mart around 1130 -p.m. that is....SHUT UP JONES!- and it takes like 20 minutes to get there...and when we got there i was like ahhhh! there were alllllll these cars parked in the parking lot and my dad said 'wow, there is noone ever here this late' and we got inside and there were a few people but it wasn't like i-can't-breathe-there's-so-many-people- in-here yeah...we went looking for the hp book and my dad found it and it was 15 something..i was SOOOO excited cause it said on the site it was like 16 or something and then i went looking for the new joy williams cd..and i found it...and i was AGAIN glad because it was cheaper than what it had said...which is AWESOME...i love yeah..then we went to the counter and it was a self-checkout one...and my atm card wasn't working so i was totally bummed but my dad owed me some money so he told me that he would buy it for yeah...i ended up staying up till 3 in the mornin because...i was thinking that if iwas goin to start a new book then i should finish the book im readin right now...but the thing is is that i just started the book at like 11 so i stayed up and finished the was really was called uh...oh yeah.. The All-American Girl by meg cabot....really good yeah...i've been listening to the new cd alllll mornin and i haven't opened the hp book yet....but im lookin forward to it and tonight there's this pool party.....and gonna go to the pool's only taken me 2hrs and finish this entry ;-) that's with breaks and all..... ;-)
talk to ya'll later..
joy williams
She's independent and beautiful
Wish I could be like her
She's got the girls and the boys
So wrapped around her finger
Rumor is she's some kind of dream
Nobody knows she cries herself to sleep
We are not that different from each other
We just want somebody to discover
Who we really are when we drop our guard
That love has gotta start with you and me
He's on the top of the social scene
He's stylish cool and clever
He's got a cool attitude that screams
He's got it all together
You'd think he's addicted to himself
But he wishes he could be someone else
We are not that different from each other
We just want somebody to discover
Who we really are when we drop our guard
That love has gotta start with you and me
We've gotta come togeher
Oh You know you don't ever have to be alone
You've got a hand to hold
Yeah Lalala Oh Oh Oh
We are not that different from each other
We just want somebody to discover
Who we really are when we drop our guard
That love has gotta start with you and me
We Oh Oh And We And We You and me We
We've gotta come together
more much wanted fun ;-)
talk to ya'll later..
joy williams
She's independent and beautiful
Wish I could be like her
She's got the girls and the boys
So wrapped around her finger
Rumor is she's some kind of dream
Nobody knows she cries herself to sleep
We are not that different from each other
We just want somebody to discover
Who we really are when we drop our guard
That love has gotta start with you and me
He's on the top of the social scene
He's stylish cool and clever
He's got a cool attitude that screams
He's got it all together
You'd think he's addicted to himself
But he wishes he could be someone else
We are not that different from each other
We just want somebody to discover
Who we really are when we drop our guard
That love has gotta start with you and me
We've gotta come togeher
Oh You know you don't ever have to be alone
You've got a hand to hold
Yeah Lalala Oh Oh Oh
We are not that different from each other
We just want somebody to discover
Who we really are when we drop our guard
That love has gotta start with you and me
We Oh Oh And We And We You and me We
We've gotta come together
more much wanted fun ;-)
Friday, July 15, 2005
The Last Ones and the bday
The Last Ones
My friend Taylor she's an angel
Ten years old and beautiful
She's a living, breathing miracle
And she proves it everyday
'Cause the odds were stacked against her
from the day that she arrived here
And the doctors told her mom and dad she'd always be that way
And I confess when I first met her
I was thinking life's not fair
But then she wrapped her arms around my neck
And it all became so clear
God bless the last ones
One day Taylor sent me a picture from her Special Olympics race
And I could tell just by the looks of it she was coming in last place
But she crossed that finish line with a smile upon her face as if to say
God bless the last ones
Maybe the last ones are the lucky ones
The ones who got this whole thing figured out
'Cause when they go looking for something beautiful
They start looking from the inside out
On our way into the restaurant we passed a homeless man
He was half drunk and half asleep with a paper cup in his hand
And I confess when I first saw him
I was thinking life's not fair
But then Taylor reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck
And it all became so clear
God bless the last ones
I wish we could all be the lucky ones
The ones who've got this whole thing figured out
Maybe the next time we go looking for beautiful we'll try looking from the inside out
God bless the last ones
ya going throught this matthew west phase..although it's not really a phase...he's an AWESOME! person....i love 'im...he's just so yeah...ok well today is e's bday..and he turned two..about two hours yeah..well when he was born my sister, izzi, kellen-my brother and i were at my mom's house and it was really cool because...well actually it wasn't cool...cause i was in the shower and all of a sudden i hear isabel screamin bloody murder...and i thought 'oh my gosh...there's a fire...and mom's at work...' so i got out of the shower...i wasn't even done..and i opened the bathroom door and yelled "WHAT IS WRONG!?????!" and isabel is still runnin around the house yellin "HE"S BORN!!! HE"S BORN..." over and that's what she was yellin when i was in the shower...and i was almost crying..i was scared and oo...i called my mom and told her and she was like oh nice . so then we went later that day to go see him and yeah...cutie pie e...ok i should go...
talk to you all later...
My friend Taylor she's an angel
Ten years old and beautiful
She's a living, breathing miracle
And she proves it everyday
'Cause the odds were stacked against her
from the day that she arrived here
And the doctors told her mom and dad she'd always be that way
And I confess when I first met her
I was thinking life's not fair
But then she wrapped her arms around my neck
And it all became so clear
God bless the last ones
One day Taylor sent me a picture from her Special Olympics race
And I could tell just by the looks of it she was coming in last place
But she crossed that finish line with a smile upon her face as if to say
God bless the last ones
Maybe the last ones are the lucky ones
The ones who got this whole thing figured out
'Cause when they go looking for something beautiful
They start looking from the inside out
On our way into the restaurant we passed a homeless man
He was half drunk and half asleep with a paper cup in his hand
And I confess when I first saw him
I was thinking life's not fair
But then Taylor reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck
And it all became so clear
God bless the last ones
I wish we could all be the lucky ones
The ones who've got this whole thing figured out
Maybe the next time we go looking for beautiful we'll try looking from the inside out
God bless the last ones
ya going throught this matthew west phase..although it's not really a phase...he's an AWESOME! person....i love 'im...he's just so yeah...ok well today is e's bday..and he turned two..about two hours yeah..well when he was born my sister, izzi, kellen-my brother and i were at my mom's house and it was really cool because...well actually it wasn't cool...cause i was in the shower and all of a sudden i hear isabel screamin bloody murder...and i thought 'oh my gosh...there's a fire...and mom's at work...' so i got out of the shower...i wasn't even done..and i opened the bathroom door and yelled "WHAT IS WRONG!?????!" and isabel is still runnin around the house yellin "HE"S BORN!!! HE"S BORN..." over and that's what she was yellin when i was in the shower...and i was almost crying..i was scared and oo...i called my mom and told her and she was like oh nice . so then we went later that day to go see him and yeah...cutie pie e...ok i should go...
talk to you all later...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Next Thing You Know
Matthew West - Next Thing You Know
(Thirteen)From the album History
I remember when I was thirteen
I saw a picture on my TV screen
The Reverend Billy Graham and the people sing “Just As I Am”
And I felt like You were talking to me
And the whole world seemed to fade away
Until I heard my mother say
“Son, are you ok? Do you wanna pray?
And that became the hour I first believed
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
Well I wish I could say I always stayed right there
And I did until my freshman year
But the world was pulling me along way from thirteen
And You were calling but I didn’t hear
Still I knew there was something more
So one day my knees hit the dorm room floorI said
“If You’re there and if You really care
Come and talk to me like I was thirteen”
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
I Got a picture in my head today
Of how Heaven might look someday
I see the people there so I pull up a chair.
And their stories they blew me away
‘Cause I can see it on every face
Their evidence of grace
And as I listen it occurs to me
Everybody’s got their own thirteen
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
So what’s your story about His glory?
You gotta find your place in the history of grace
I LOVE this song. I mean we can all relate to it so easily sometimes. Before we meet God we are all scum of the earth and we all feel horrible and after He comes into our lives we are still pretty much scum but we are up there "high and flying". We're "brand new" men , well and women ;-). So yeah. That song is AWESOME. Plus, if we do fall which we DO. He ALWAYS takes us back. Because HE loves us. You, and You, and me, and the person who hates their life because of the crappy job or whatever it is.
ok so today i went to the ortho and had xrays and impressions done...AGAIN! then i came home and hung out for awhile ...then i went to the pool with piera. that was fun. but im gonna go to my mom's soon. and we're having people over or something. so yeah..ill talk to ya'll later.
check out my pic site...go here for much wanted fun.. ;-)
(Thirteen)From the album History
I remember when I was thirteen
I saw a picture on my TV screen
The Reverend Billy Graham and the people sing “Just As I Am”
And I felt like You were talking to me
And the whole world seemed to fade away
Until I heard my mother say
“Son, are you ok? Do you wanna pray?
And that became the hour I first believed
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
Well I wish I could say I always stayed right there
And I did until my freshman year
But the world was pulling me along way from thirteen
And You were calling but I didn’t hear
Still I knew there was something more
So one day my knees hit the dorm room floorI said
“If You’re there and if You really care
Come and talk to me like I was thirteen”
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
I Got a picture in my head today
Of how Heaven might look someday
I see the people there so I pull up a chair.
And their stories they blew me away
‘Cause I can see it on every face
Their evidence of grace
And as I listen it occurs to me
Everybody’s got their own thirteen
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
And next thing you know
I’m high and flying, next thing you know
My heart is in Your hands, next thing you know
There is no denying, next thing you know
I’m a brand new man.
So what’s your story about His glory?
You gotta find your place in the history of grace
I LOVE this song. I mean we can all relate to it so easily sometimes. Before we meet God we are all scum of the earth and we all feel horrible and after He comes into our lives we are still pretty much scum but we are up there "high and flying". We're "brand new" men , well and women ;-). So yeah. That song is AWESOME. Plus, if we do fall which we DO. He ALWAYS takes us back. Because HE loves us. You, and You, and me, and the person who hates their life because of the crappy job or whatever it is.
ok so today i went to the ortho and had xrays and impressions done...AGAIN! then i came home and hung out for awhile ...then i went to the pool with piera. that was fun. but im gonna go to my mom's soon. and we're having people over or something. so yeah..ill talk to ya'll later.
check out my pic site...go here for much wanted fun.. ;-)
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
retreat and all
ok back from the retreat today at about 1.....geez...i didn't know i would be SOOO stinkin yeah..i met tons of new people and ....--i was just reading platypuss' blogger...nice stuff bethany... ;-) ..i assume you like writing when you're i was saying..i met a ton of new people and they're all really nice...uh so yeah...i dont know if i really want to read about it because...well it wasn't kinda...i'm REALLY tired...EXTREMELY...but i am so happy..because 1) i got to see beth.. 2) i'm talking to platypus.. 3)do i really need a three...
bethany and i--well really just me...--but anyways..we were talking and we--i--think that texas and wisconsin be relatively CLOSER...i mean geez a have friends have way across the country and all of a sudden you're like "ahh....we gotta'll be awesome we can do....this and this...oh yeah...that's right you're half way across the COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!" least that's what i think about bethany... ;-)
oh yes..please pray for my stepmom jen/jenny...because while i was at the retreat...jen and my dad ended up going to the ER...last night...and she had all these tests done..and they think she may have krohn's disease...--sp??--anyways...she gets these REALLY bad pains..and they are really bad...i guess she was laying on the floor so my dad took her to the ER...and please pray for her....
so..ahh...yah..ETHAN is turning 2 on friday...ahh...he's a cutie pie..but sometimes..a real pain in the butt..but cute..and i love him...k.. i think i'm dumb
Bethany : your life is anything but boring, Teia
teiasworld: hey i'm serious
teiasworld: i got a boring life compared to the fish that just died at our house! ;-)
ending on that note...
talk to you all later.....or as bethany is supposedly teaching me ;-) --talk to ya'll later..--without the cool sounding drawl...cause ya know..i'm from wiscOnsin..and kinda we don't have those cool sounding drawls like them texans do...although..if i would move to Tx i wouldn't like the cowboys...i would still like the packers... ;-)
so i got back from the bonfire thing with the church youth group it was pretty fun. so yeah..i talked to my platypuss today...TWICE....oh she's's so much fun..and now ill probably end up talkign and ranting about tx and wi again..and how they need to be closer..and that is kinda dumb...considerign i already talked about it...k goin' to find the little bro..then off to bed..and the ortho in the morning..i talk to ya'll later...
bethany and i--well really just me...--but anyways..we were talking and we--i--think that texas and wisconsin be relatively CLOSER...i mean geez a have friends have way across the country and all of a sudden you're like "ahh....we gotta'll be awesome we can do....this and this...oh yeah...that's right you're half way across the COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!" least that's what i think about bethany... ;-)
oh yes..please pray for my stepmom jen/jenny...because while i was at the retreat...jen and my dad ended up going to the ER...last night...and she had all these tests done..and they think she may have krohn's disease...--sp??--anyways...she gets these REALLY bad pains..and they are really bad...i guess she was laying on the floor so my dad took her to the ER...and please pray for her....
so..ahh...yah..ETHAN is turning 2 on friday...ahh...he's a cutie pie..but sometimes..a real pain in the butt..but cute..and i love him...k.. i think i'm dumb
Bethany : your life is anything but boring, Teia
teiasworld: hey i'm serious
teiasworld: i got a boring life compared to the fish that just died at our house! ;-)
ending on that note...
talk to you all later.....or as bethany is supposedly teaching me ;-) --talk to ya'll later..--without the cool sounding drawl...cause ya know..i'm from wiscOnsin..and kinda we don't have those cool sounding drawls like them texans do...although..if i would move to Tx i wouldn't like the cowboys...i would still like the packers... ;-)
so i got back from the bonfire thing with the church youth group it was pretty fun. so yeah..i talked to my platypuss today...TWICE....oh she's's so much fun..and now ill probably end up talkign and ranting about tx and wi again..and how they need to be closer..and that is kinda dumb...considerign i already talked about it...k goin' to find the little bro..then off to bed..and the ortho in the morning..i talk to ya'll later...
Monday, July 11, 2005
hey anyone who is reading this...well i'm writing and it's well it's 1220 right the morning..and i have to get up early and going to shauno tomorrow for a retreat thing for high school...i really hope that i wont forget gonna finish up watching Full House..and going to sleep cause early morning and then ill talk to you all later..i really dont have anything else to say.. ;-)
Friday, July 08, 2005
This is awesome...thanks for showing me this Platypuss. :-) You're so sweet. Let's see. This weekend I'm going up north for a family gathering where I get to see EVERYONE...YEAH! I'm SOOO excited. It'll be awesome.
Right now I'm watching Legally Blonde. I might watch Save the Last Dance later. I LOVE THAT MOVIE>..and hey if you want some awesome sites go to.
I'll talk to you all later.
Right now I'm watching Legally Blonde. I might watch Save the Last Dance later. I LOVE THAT MOVIE>..and hey if you want some awesome sites go to.
I'll talk to you all later.
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