Friday, August 03, 2007

lets see. im so bored right now. and school is going to start in just a few weeks. just hearing those words makes me want to cry. cause its like. this summer has been so much fun. even though we didnt do too much its just been a great summer. fulll of new things and new experiences. hm. cause first of all the whole best of broadway thing = awesome first time experience. it was just so much fun. and i met some really great people. it was really fun. lets see. i helped out with vbs at fil. that was fun. cause it was my first time being a leader. that was really fun and the kids. aww. they were so cute. and i helped out with vbs milwaukee. at st. martini's . that was a great time. the kids reallly loved it and so did the whole group. and then there were the things we did after the best of broadway practices running all over in josh's car. eating ice cream, singing at the top of our lungs, with all the windows down adn it was just the best. i couldnt think of a better month than the month of june. it wasjust really awesome. basically i figured out how not to be all throughout the monthof june..then during the month of july. there was a lot of working. and goign to the beach. YAY. i love the beach. and going to michaels house for dinner and playing their really neat piano. or there was going to 3 different movies and just bumming around. still driving around in joshs car. singing. or there was hm..........josh sleepign over and playing burnout. and making koola. ok. aidan wants to get on....

so i guess ill write more tomorrow or when i have time. when im not working......


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