Sunday, August 07, 2005

fun stuff..

so last night i talked to Ethan and that was pretty fun..we talked about books and stuff and it was awesome..he recommended some books and i reserved them at the yeah...uh i have a pretty funny part from the conversation where i got my new title..just dont' take it personally.. ;-)

Tjbathaus: from alias's first season.. Sydney: Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it.
Tjbathaus: actually the pilot episode
DarkSongofErin: hey....
DarkSongofErin: what are you saying?
DarkSongofErin: *depressed*
Tjbathaus: hey..i didn't mean it..but if you saw the show it was funny
Tjbathaus: i meant it to be funny..
DarkSongofErin: yeah
DarkSongofErin: it is

i love gonna go talk to bethany now...ttyl...lyl..teia.. ;-)

and i talked to bethany like 5 times and our awesome conversations.. ;-)


Miss Goose said...

heeheee.... YAY TALKING TO TEIA!!! :D HI TEIA!!! ;) and our awesome possum conversations :P


Teia said...

oh and our conversations.. ;-)

Teia said...

dont you just love 'em.. ;-)

Miss Goose said...

yep I sure do ;)
